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added by Calvinscustom
Source: Calvin's Custom:
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Calvinscustom
Source: Calvin's Custom:
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by Ramina000
added by AyanoNova
Source: AyanoNova
added by Ramina000
when i fighted the pain it took me an 시간 too beat him couse i was allmost out of is another way too beat the pain 더 많이 qiuckly.

step 1:when 당신 are in the secend part of the cave
there will be two big hole's take the right
hole head north & there 당신 will find a

step 2:go back (do not go under the the rock couse
it will take 당신 더 많이 time)& head to the left
hole & head north.then there will be a cut

step 3:after the cut scene 당신 will fight the pain.
when he is wraped with bee's through a
grenade at him 또는 the easy way shoot him
with the shotgun.shot him then the bee's
will fly away.keep doing that when he is
wraped up with bee's & 당신 shuld kill him
in a few minutes.
added by MovieFanGirl20
added by Ramina000