Merlin/Nimueh New Members Post Here!

MerlinBBC posted on Jan 09, 2011 at 04:58PM
Well? Post away, so I can welcome you and give you Oreos. Because you deserve them by joining this awesome pairing`s fanclub.

Merlin/Nimueh 10 replies

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over a year ago MerlinBBC said…
Why is nobody saying hi?
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
we definitly need more fans here...
over a year ago MerlinBBC said…
Oh yeah! You`re tellin me :D

Did you guys check out Nimone`s pic?
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
yep, I have already seen it :D
And I'm making some promotion for this spot =)
btw, I'm writing a fanfiction including Merlin/Nimueh ;)
over a year ago nimone said…
yeh you'd love it
over a year ago MerlinBBC said…
Post the link to the fanfic here when you feel like it :D I`m really lookin` forward to seein` it :D
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
yes, I'll do that I'm only waiting for my beta ;)
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
The first part of my fanfic is now on my

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MerlinBBC said…
I read it...nice work.
over a year ago RosalynCabenson said…
next chap's gonna on this week..
and a trailer is on..gosh, I'm obssesed ö.Ö