Masi Oka Club
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added by Laura90
added by DarthVibbert
added by meme6
added by Laura90
added by DarthVibbert
added by DarthVibbert
added by Laura90
Masi as Franklyn the radiologist on 스크럽스
posted by lily_mody7
As a Masi Oka 팬 I have taken to googling and yahooing him every few minutes. Well, I was sent 의해 my best friend a picture in which Masi oka is posing and he looks little leaner. He looks hot but I will sorta miss his little tummy!

I mean, that's what I find so absolutely adorable of him! I just feel like pinching his little cheeks and poking his little tummy. I don't think I would feel the same if he had rock hard ab's. I dunno, this is just my rant and if 당신 agree leave a message on the 질문 I make (or made, depending on when 당신 read this.)
 See, he looks thinner.
See, he looks thinner.
added by Laura90
added by angiii7
added by meme6
added by meme6
added by meme6
added by meme6
added by meme6
Masi talks to Conan
conan o'brien
talk show
added by haddy
added by meme6