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Loki from Fairy Tail Which pairing do 당신 like best?

74 fans picked:
Loki x Lucy
Loki x Lucy
Loki x Aries
Loki x Aries
Loki x someone else
Loki x someone else
Loki x Virgo
Loki x Virgo
 Smiley25 posted over a year ago
Make your pick! | next poll >>


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Loki x Lucy
LancetDancer picked Loki x Lucy:
lokexlucy foreva >:D
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Lucy
Gwiazdeczka picked Loki x Lucy:
Loki x Lucy
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Lucy
3stripsonkeda picked Loki x Lucy:
Loki and lucy best couple in fairy tail evaaaaa
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Aries
Red_Fairy_Panda picked Loki x Aries:
Loke x Aries of course. They both spirit and can live together. Lucy is already has Natsu ♥
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Aries
Pk2956 picked Loki x Aries:
Cute Couple X3
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Lucy
MissLuna picked Loki x Lucy:
Loki and Lucy is the best couple !!!!<3
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Lucy
LucyLeo picked Loki x Lucy:
Lucy is my Fave character and I like Gray Natsu and Loki so I support all!! ^^ Aye sir!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Aries
wishey picked Loki x Aries:
Love this couple.
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Lucy
Ryuuto013 picked Loki x Lucy:
I say the same thing as Happy said - "Cute Couple" x)
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Virgo
lynnyukimara02 picked Loki x Virgo:
Virgo is my fave
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x someone else
Momo_Hinamori picked Loki x someone else:
Loke and someone else.....that someone else being ME!
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Lucy
sieluvzsoul picked Loki x Lucy:
LOKEXME, lol jk Loke x Lucy
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Aries
NikkiNatsu picked Loki x Aries:
so cute
posted over a year ago.
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Loki x Lucy
kelnic14 picked Loki x Lucy:
Always loke x Lucy best couple in the anime
posted over a year ago.