Leia and Han Solo Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 11

fansfunsz said …
he is in 사랑 with the princess 또는 he simply jokes with her? 게시됨 over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
According to THE FORCE AWAKENS official visual dictionary- Han and Leia are married but separated for quite some time ( See the movie and 당신 will know why)- It decribes Han as accomplishing and becoming things he never dreamed he'd be- Rebel Hero, General, Husband,____, biggest of them all- being the Corellian Smuggler who won the 심장 of the last Alderaanian Princess. 게시됨 over a year ago
Eleni4ever said …
Should I 가입하기 this club? 게시됨 over a year ago
hansolorules said …
Such a good couple! I think Leia might hate me a little... 게시됨 over a year ago
magicfairydust said …
best movie couple ever <3 게시됨 over a year ago
iluvkoalas commented…
I hope that Leia and Han are married in this new movie. over a year ago
hansolorules commented…
I think they are already married in the new movie. over a year ago
big smile
peteandco said …
yay! i've got my green medal on this spot ! :D 게시됨 over a year ago
makintosh commented…
Congrats :D over a year ago
InLoveWithJesus commented…
that's great :) over a year ago
mhs1721099 commented…
yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Tetske20 said …
One of the greatest movie couples of all time. :-) 게시됨 over a year ago
GIRLY_90 commented…
yes, i'm agree with you.. they are the perfect couple for me <3 over a year ago
Tetske20 commented…
Thanks, I'm glad that 당신 are agree with me. :-) over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
I agree, and yes I still think they should be married too! I just dont see him and Callista as a couple, she is just boring. over a year ago
mbsfan said …
I HATE LEIA AND HAN TOGETHER!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
purple-passion commented…
then who do 당신 like together? over a year ago
solo1861 commented…
Then why bother coming here? over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
WHAT??? Who the hell do 당신 see Leia with? 당신 say Prince Isolder , Im gonna cyber kick you. Then let han show 당신 his Blaster skills over a year ago
minjoong501 said …
sigh True Love. 게시됨 over a year ago
mbsfan commented…
they aren't cute together over a year ago
Summer_Leanne said …
One of the cutest couples in all of 별, 스타 Wars :) (Right after Ani and Padme, obviously!!!! :D) 게시됨 over a year ago
mbsfan said …
No it's not! I hate them 게시됨 over a year ago
GIRLY_90 commented…
why do 당신 hate them... i can't understand you.... they are very cute couple over a year ago
mbsfan commented…
I just think they don't belong. She is too princessy, and he's 더 많이 rebellious over a year ago