고양이 Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 83

kionlion443 said …
these are adorable 고양이 게시됨 over a year ago
cherl12345 said …
I 사랑 this club however it's no fun anymore .I try to post
nice pics but this club has been taken over 게시됨 over a year ago
cherl12345 said …
I just 사랑 고양이 게시됨 over a year ago
watsomor said …
That is so cool 게시됨 over a year ago
cherl12345 commented…
Agreed over a year ago
Aph-Finland said …
CAAAAAAATS OwO 게시됨 over a year ago
Miraculous said …
고양이 ARE SO IMPORTANT!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
Iheartcupquake said …
Hi. My 고양이 are not enjoying being around each other so can I have some 조언 to gelp? 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
SoulEaterFan100 said …
MY CAT JUST HAD HER KITTENS!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
Purple-Enderman commented…
*Thumbs up over a year ago
Brittany6655 commented…
Awww congratulations to your cat!! :) over a year ago
Purple-Enderman said …
I have a kitty
His name is Ranger Bengal Felinus-Alexanderus :T 게시됨 over a year ago
ttlover12 said …
저기요 i have got a kiten
the name is lucky 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
TimberHumphrey said …
i 사랑 고양이 and kittens! :D 게시됨 over a year ago
CheetahGirl5147 commented…
:D over a year ago
Purple-Enderman commented…
Mew over a year ago
CheetahGirl5147 said …
Any 고양이 here except for me? :3 게시됨 over a year ago
monkeygirl1122 commented…
Do 당신 have a Tumblr? If so 당신 should follow me. cx I 사랑 kitties & post them a lot. over a year ago
CheetahGirl5147 commented…
I don't unfortunately over a year ago
GabsSaw said …
My Cat had 3 고양이 awhile back and now they are at the stage of kittenhood where they like to explore! Their nicknames are Loudmouth (male, black&white), Sleepyhead (male, black), and Sunshine (female, calico, one that just fell asleep in my hands) 게시됨 over a year ago
rorowinx commented…
Aww,cute *-* over a year ago
Simmeh said …
I have fluffy little kittens! :D <3 게시됨 over a year ago
tori200211 said …
I look after (foster) kittens, my most recent one was a family of three, a mum 1 년 old (about 47 weeks old when giving birth) a black kitten Rhasphody, and a white kitten Lia all girls.

Now I have two 고양이 of my own (again) they're both girls (sisters) Devan (Brother named Dale after Devandale0 and Djengo (Jengo) 게시됨 over a year ago
Stichesmom said …
these cat s also know as kitten 게시됨 over a year ago
jojogurl1 said …
Hi I'm on kik + instagram 게시됨 over a year ago
TAHLIAandLILLY commented…
im on instagram my names tahliabourke15 #catpower over a year ago
tori200211 said …
My brothers baby sitter have two 고양이 and one had an opperation. He is still getting better but link else is fine 게시됨 over a year ago
TAHLIAandLILLY commented…
:) over a year ago
Number1SkippFan said …
I saved an 주황색, 오렌지 tabby cat from my dad's old work place, where there are no houses so yeah a stray kitten with a worm (sickness) the place was on Edgely road so we named him Edgely :) I wish I knew him 더 많이 when he was a kitten, my dad kept him at his office while he was recovering from the worm illness so I never really got to know him while he was a kitten, but I still 사랑 him <3 now he's a cat 게시됨 over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
That's sweet. :3 over a year ago
Number1SkippFan commented…
^Yeah, I guess it is over a year ago
Number1SkippFan commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
srinjanapathak said …
CUTEST THINGS I EVER SAW IN MY LYF 게시됨 over a year ago
TAHLIAandLILLY commented…
AGREED over a year ago
katyperryluv123 said …
I 사랑 cats, but 고양이 are better! 게시됨 over a year ago
sasnshug commented…
ya over a year ago
TAHLIAandLILLY commented…
totally over a year ago
warriorcats02 said …
4,988th fan! 고양이 are SO cute! I really wish I had one, but my mom won't let me get one. 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
hannala123 said …
i have 2 cute 고양이 and there really cute 코멘트 if u like CUTE 고양이 게시됨 over a year ago
hannahm4e commented…
i 사랑 고양이 over a year ago
shimi commented…
damn i 사랑 'em...... over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
I 사랑 kittens, and my one of my 고양이 currently has 3 of them!!!!:) over a year ago
happybunz said …
aww 4,864th 팬 i wanted 4,865 팬 T3T 게시됨 over a year ago
kplovesedward said …
i 사랑 고양이 but they never shut up 게시됨 over a year ago
happybunz commented…
┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ GAWD THAT THE TRUTH!!! over a year ago
TAHLIAandLILLY commented…
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ over a year ago
mlpfim1222 said …
저기요 everyone become a 팬 of kittenlover95! She is great! 게시됨 over a year ago
rainbowdash333 said …
i 사랑 사랑 사랑 kittens! i have two named kitnip and ringo! 게시됨 over a year ago
mlpfim1222 commented…
I 사랑 고양이 and MLP so here we go! over a year ago
CuteSherry said …
i got 10 강아지 5 girls 5 boys and 10 고양이 5 boys and 5 girls because my mansion is so big my family and i take care of them. 게시됨 over a year ago
nightowl1249 said …
My cat is literly older than me! 게시됨 over a year ago
catgirl8 said …
고양이 are so cute 게시됨 over a year ago
kittylover16 said …
I 사랑 고양이 PS look at my name 게시됨 over a year ago
HarryStyles65 commented…
Yes,now we all know that 당신 like kittens.Bravo! over a year ago
kittylover16 commented…
hey! I'm just saying 당신 don't have to be mean! Oh I hate Mean peeps! Don't mess with me 또는 you'll regret it -_-" over a year ago
IM-A-DEPP commented…
just ignore him -_-', some peeps 사랑 to be mean. :/ over a year ago
EclipseShadow said …
고양이 are so cute! :D 게시됨 over a year ago
HarryStyles65 commented…
i know right? over a year ago
awow147 said …
ha ha this reminds me of the adventerous adventures of one direction catnipped LOL harry 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
Splashstorm said …
Please 가입하기 my Pixie bob spot! If 당신 didn't know, they are wild looking domestic 고양이 that can have GIANT paws and bobbed tails! They are considered very dog-like.
link 게시됨 over a year ago
sharon-sel said …
Follow Corky's story on Facebook....he's a little kitten who was rescued 의해 the 고양이 요람, 크래들 SHELTER...he got his hind legs operated due to some defects...but yet he's a cute, lovable and playful cat just like others...


VOTE 4 CORKY HERE...and hope he wins...

TEAM CORKY 게시됨 over a year ago
1Djazzhands said …
Awww! Harry's little pussy cats! 게시됨 over a year ago
marvella12 commented…
awww thats so cute huh hhaha over a year ago
nukecat316 said …
all i to say is KITTIES!!!!!
게시됨 over a year ago
fansfunsz said …
i 사랑 and like them 게시됨 over a year ago
cherl12345 commented…
So do I over a year ago
fansfunsz commented…
idem over a year ago
fansfunsz commented…
hi hello nice to met u over a year ago
stellawinx101 said …
I wish I had one.. 게시됨 over a year ago
nukecat316 commented…
u will soon over a year ago
stellawinx101 commented…
thanks for saying that over a year ago
sonyr567 said …
AWWW!! One of these days when I get older, I would get a kitten :3 게시됨 over a year ago
missracoon said …
I wuv kittens~! 게시됨 over a year ago
fassmackey said …
My cat ororo had five 고양이 last night! One has a marking on its face looks like a Erik's mask from the Phantom of the Opera.
게시됨 over a year ago
Sebastian_M said …
AWWW SO ADORABLE! :3 게시됨 over a year ago
ReaperSutcliff commented…
aww thank u sebby! So are you! :D over a year ago
Ciel_Phantom commented…
Im sorry, what just happened? O.o over a year ago
Sebastian_M commented…
im afraid even i can not answer that over a year ago
niny_5 said …
가입하기 to my club:
게시됨 over a year ago
niny_5 commented…
PLEASE! :P over a year ago
fassmackey commented…
I'm there. over a year ago
nukecat316 commented…
wats the name of ur club over a year ago
Primrose0702 said …
I had 2 고양이 but they had a sort of diareaha so the vet tested them for 2 months. which was nice because they are supposed to put them down after 2 weeks. he was a very good and bright vet but they never found out what it was. they are gone now but the animmal shelter is gonna get in trouble because they dont take care of their 동물 and i bet all of them have the same exact thing!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
sonyr567 commented…
Aww :( Im sorry over a year ago
alyssabeth commented…
AWW IM SORRY over a year ago
Primrose0702 commented…
저기요 guess what... im gettin two new ones and naming mine in honor of them. idk what but something. over a year ago
sugerstar13 said …
AHHHH 고양이 THERE SO ADORABLE they burn my eyes with such cuteness <3 게시됨 over a year ago
nukecat316 commented…
u can say that again over a year ago
wolffrost said …
고양이 are soooooo cute
게시됨 over a year ago
iheartpro-diggy commented…
ikr over a year ago
MsMindlessAztec said …
I got 2 of the cutest 고양이 in the world<3 게시됨 over a year ago
MikeysLove12 said …
고양이 are the cutest things in the universe. <3 <3 게시됨 over a year ago
cherl12345 commented…
I'm a cat lover myself over a year ago
ReannaAlexander said …
I 사랑 kittens. I have one he passes out simultaneously. No joke i would be walking to my room and he would follow and all of a sudden he passes out. Its hilarious.
게시됨 over a year ago
Bubba38 commented…
haha thts nut normal, its hilarious but most def nut normal over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
mine likes to grab people's arms when they walk past her. Its her way of getting 음식 and attention!:):):):):):) over a year ago
TayWasHere said …
I 사랑 KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is soooooo sute how when they first begin to walk they always flop over and look at 당신 with those big, innocent, adorable eyes:3 게시됨 over a year ago
Shreegowri said …
I have a kitten thatz absolutely cuuuuuuuute !! i 사랑 it !! I'll post some pics of it sometime OK?lol 게시됨 over a year ago
Kenny756 said …
I 사랑 kittens...They are so lovable and cute. I like fat,fluffy calico ones. 게시됨 over a year ago
sparkleshine233 commented…
저기요 my relative has a fat fluffy calico cat MAN IS THAT CAT FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! really no lie she is humongus over a year ago
Kenny756 commented…
Wow! True chiz? over a year ago
Primrose0702 commented…
oh ok. wonderful over a year ago
moshisister said …
i have 고양이 they are so cute i 사랑 'em link 게시됨 over a year ago
moshisister commented…
hehehe link this is not there over a year ago
big smile
kplovesedward said …
my sisters cat is pregnant and she is 3 weeks pregnant and thay are going to be adorable carnt wait LOL :) 게시됨 over a year ago
sparkleshine233 commented…
ahhhh my 프렌즈 cat is pregnant over a year ago
kplovesedward commented…
저기요 if i add 당신 will 당신 add me back over a year ago
ambergoodson commented…
yes over a year ago
OceanCoast said …
Guys I'm picking up my little blue bi-color ragdoll named Milo, this saturday. I met him last 월 when he was really little and fell totally in 사랑 with the little fluffball. I'm so exited! 게시됨 over a year ago
TayWasHere commented…
My friend Caitlin had a kitten called Milo once. over a year ago
KayTay77 said …
I have to kittens! they're so cute!:) 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
Vixie79 said …
YAY!!!! I got my dedicated 팬 medal in here. 게시됨 over a year ago
dangerdays commented…
Congrats:) over a year ago
Vixie79 commented…
Thank you. :) over a year ago
ClassicTV said …
Has anyone ever watched the "Moo Mooing" video? 게시됨 over a year ago
OceanCoast said …
YAY! My blue bi-color ragdoll was born, I'm driving to Lancaster this weekend to see it. Still don't know what to name him. Something along the lines of Coco, Something that has to do with "Sky" because of the bright BLUE eyes, 또는 August (given his birth month). Maybe Coco Sky August LOL. 게시됨 over a year ago
Blacy said …
I like 고양이 게시됨 over a year ago
abartl8797 said …
so cute and playfull!!!! awww 게시됨 over a year ago
laurenandaston commented…
i hate umm lolzz over a year ago
abartl8797 commented…
y!? over a year ago
Primrose0702 commented…
taelor2001 said …
I 사랑 고양이 but 2of mine died 게시됨 over a year ago
Primrose0702 commented…
aww! Thats terrible! over a year ago
suckmydicknow said …
i 사랑 고양이 i have watched to cat births my cat had 5 고양이 but one died:( and another litter she had she had 3 고양이 cute but now they r big now every kitten is cute
:P add me plz 게시됨 over a year ago
taelor2001 commented…
Sad over a year ago
taelor2001 commented…
:( over a year ago
KayTay77 commented…
My cat had a litter of 5 고양이 2 died! The 3 are in happy, friendly homes now! over a year ago
Primrose0702 commented…
Ur making me cry over a year ago
beepboop said …
I want a kitty but i cant have 1 게시됨 over a year ago
suckmydicknow commented…
really i have 5 over a year ago
taelor2001 commented…
I got 6 고양이 over a year ago
Primrose0702 commented…
o well y not? They are way easier to take care of than dogs! But they 사랑 to eat ur food... LOL over a year ago
megan1359 said …
i hav a kitten named smokey and its soooooo cute
게시됨 over a year ago
beepboop commented…
I 사랑 kitties! over a year ago
megan1359 commented…
i 사랑 고양이 too over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
agree! over a year ago
bellatoddnellie said …
They're adorable. I hold one once. I would have liked so much to bring her (I think) at home. But she was not for me. :( 게시됨 over a year ago
141516 said …
so cute 게시됨 over a year ago
sandiphardy commented…
yes over a year ago
plantsvsbzombie said …
Please can someone 가입하기 my puppi vs 고양이 club!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
megan1359 commented…
i will over a year ago
juliemontoya said …
My cat had 4 고양이 this morning! But I can't keep any of them 게시됨 over a year ago
frosty_norstine commented…
payge2435 said …
LOL kittens---- o m g
게시됨 over a year ago
gleefan1998 said …
I HAVE 3 NEW 고양이 게시됨 over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
So do I!:) over a year ago
jaybabe said …
i luv 고양이 they r so CUTE!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
LovesCats said …
I 사랑 KITTENS! <3 게시됨 over a year ago
Lizzy-ILoveJB commented…
Same =] over a year ago
LovesCats commented…
=] over a year ago
Lizzy-ILoveJB commented…
=] over a year ago
akemi43 commented…
same they are so adorable :D over a year ago
fin900 said …
my kitten licks me all the time. who else has 2 put up with that!? 게시됨 over a year ago
kittyluvaxoxo commented…
me! haha bt i fink its cute :3 over a year ago
crystalstream commented…
I used to 8 kittens! over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
My 고양이 do that too!And It is adorable!!!!:):):) over a year ago
hakadoshi12345 said …
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i 사랑 고양이 i have 1 named Kiki
게시됨 over a year ago
Hot_n_cold commented…
Awww me too! I have a cat named Josie. :) over a year ago
hakadoshi12345 commented…
i also have another cat named Sabbath over a year ago
LovesCats commented…
My kitten's name is Royal. =] over a year ago
conelia said …
man i wish i had a kitten. 게시됨 over a year ago
Sharpay_Wolf said …
I 사랑 kittens! they are so cute 게시됨 over a year ago
shinybieber commented…
i 사랑 it 2 over a year ago
flowersforever said …
i 사랑 kittens! they are so adorable!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
27-5 said …
got my dedicated medal 게시됨 over a year ago
hannahhogan commented…
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :D <3 over a year ago
27-5 commented…
thanks :D over a year ago
MileyBandGeek14 said …
big smile
B10 said …
KKKIIITTTIIIEEESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
emmawalsh123 said …
고양이 are the cutest things! 게시됨 over a year ago