키싱 Club
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added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: littlelovenight
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: tumblir
added by chawrash
added by tamar20
1.See if she does many of the things listed in the 기사 How to Hint for a 키스 from a Guy.

2.Grab her slowly and tell her how nice she looks. This will help start a good conversation.

3.Then ask her to 키스 당신 (with her permission). If she says that 당신 have to start, don't be afraid. Just do it.

4.Sometimes she will start smiling. That's a sign that she wants a kiss.

-Don't be scared.
-Hold her smoothly.
-Tell her that 당신 enjoyed the kiss.
-Making a joke while 키싱 can make the mood fun.

-Don't go overboard 의해 grabbing parts of her body without her permission.
added by Simpo1
added by JustinBieber160
added by tamar20
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Basorexia ~ uhhh~ Woo! This video O.O
lustful kisses
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: tumblr
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: littlelovenight
added by kitsune-no-hime
Source: heyoddoo
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: tumblr
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: littlelovenight
added by unohana
posted by Sinna_Hime_chan
Whoever said that ‘A 키스 is Just a Kiss’ (and a sigh is just a sigh) has clearly not been kissed as well as one ought to experience in the vast sea if exceptional, beautiful, breath-taking kisses that are not only possible but VERY tangible and real!

A 키스 can be sexy, sweet, slow, fast, smooth, simple, warm … The vocabulary falls short of what they can say and convey: two lips.

Kissing is an art in itself, The Kama Sutra recognized its power to express feelings, emotions and passions. Therefore, the 글쓰기 describes in detail the kisses and the occasions to be used for each of them....
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added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: tumblr
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: tumblr
added by unohana
added by Makeupdiva