Kelli Williams Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 11

jordenmercedes said …
I was wondering if anybody could help me with the name of a movie she was in. She played a woman who was married with kids and was sexually assaulted in the woods outside her house. Her husband was a cop and her rape kit went untested for years she ended up going to court over it. Been searching forever but don't have the name of the movie. 게시됨 over a year ago
callianloverfan said …
Please 가입하기 Jackie Clarke spot! link

Thank 당신 게시됨 over a year ago
lovegfoster said …
i 사랑 Kelli..;) stunningly beautiful.... 게시됨 over a year ago
callianltm commented…
사랑 her too:D over a year ago
callianltm said …
Kelli on Mentalist! Wooh!!:) 게시됨 over a year ago
LenaGreen said …
Happy birthday for our gorgeous Kelli Williams! ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
callianltm commented…
Happy birthday kelli!! 사랑 u you're the best!:D over a year ago
abdoreziq said …
link 게시됨 over a year ago
callianltm said …
Lie to me has been cancelled:(((( 게시됨 over a year ago
GoodF3lla said …
Damn she is really good so awesome performance on Criminal Minds...She was real bad.... 게시됨 over a year ago
HouseAddict87 commented…
Yeah she was GREAT on Criminal Minds! I felt sorry for her character even though she did a lot of bad things. over a year ago
GoodF3lla commented…
but her child character was killed... over a year ago
callianltm commented…
it was great!!:) over a year ago
callianltm said …
lol, I'm alittle like her, my surname is Little Kelli;D 게시됨 over a year ago
callianltm said …
did 당신 know that she had a tatoo on her right arm? her children's names. but she had to cover it up for lie to me and others shows 게시됨 over a year ago
LenaGreen said …
Does anyone know why I can't 업로드 images? I tried like million times to 업로드 ten 사진 that i found recently, but just the last one is now uploaded. We have to make this spot bigger and better but how, if we can't 업로드 images? xD 게시됨 over a year ago
LenaGreen commented…
okay, i solved the mystery. xD I didn't know how to name images, so i just wrote 1, 2, etc. Apparently the name has to be two letters word. :) over a year ago