Josef Kostan Fated to Pretend...

Sharingan226 posted on Apr 26, 2008 at 04:30PM
Favorite Episode so far?

It's mine, that's a fact! I've been hoping since we first saw him is the show that he'd become a main character that we saw more often. Here's a forum where we can post everything we love about our favorie, rich, lover not fighter (love him fighting though) vampire!

Josef Kostan 3 replies

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over a year ago jesterlady said…
Sounds awesome to me. It might be my favorite, at least Josef-wise. But Sleeping Beauty was great too. :) More Josef is a must!
over a year ago thevampiregirl said…
fated to pretend = best josef bits so far!

loved seeing him all vamped out =)
over a year ago ragdol91 said…
Josef is amazing! I love his character. That was one of the best episodes. I wish they would bring back the Show!