John Stamos Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 20

Jmelian said …
Hi John, I really like your tv shows and wonder when 당신 may have an appearance in Los angeles in 2018? 게시됨 over a year ago
vandy8385 said …
hi my name is AJ and I am your biggest 팬 I watch all of your epsiods of full house and I watch the first and sencod season of fuller house I well be my honerd to meet 당신 and the whole cast of full
house and 의해 the way I am funny also and I have a good sence of houmer 게시됨 over a year ago
jenjenlynn said …
Dear John Stamos my is Jenny Lynn I 사랑 당신 John Stamos Jenny Lynn 게시됨 over a year ago
jenjenlynn commented…
Dear John Stamos my name is Jenny Lynn I am such a hug 팬 of yours 당신 are so so very cute I 사랑 당신 John Stamos 사랑 당신 lots your 팬 Jenny Lynn over a year ago
TawnyC said …

John is scheduled to appear on The Talk on CBS Tuesday 4/26 to promote his new show Grandfathered! We are looking for 팬 who will be in the Los Angeles area to attend and participate in the audience. For FREE TICKETS please call The Talk Audience Department at 818-655-8255. 게시됨 over a year ago
ali_mercer said …
john stamos is my future husband... 게시됨 over a year ago
rosalindverbal1 said …
I Hope 당신 answer me back soon and i want to meet 당신 my name is Rosalind Verbal and i want to be your 팬 and i hope to be your 팬 and friend too 게시됨 over a year ago
rosalindverbal said …
i always wanted to be your girlfriend but i do have a huge crush on 당신 alot iam obessed with jesse tanner 게시됨 over a year ago
rosalindverbal said …
i want to be your 팬 and i 사랑 jesse hes my 가장 좋아하는 celebrity too 게시됨 over a year ago
JStamos4Ever said …
I 사랑 John Stamos 게시됨 over a year ago
Simmeh said …
I wish he were my Uncle Jesse. ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
_Rae-Marie_ commented…
I know right. over a year ago
I_love_Jesse commented…
that would be awesome if he were my uncle jesse over a year ago
aparna873 said …
I 사랑 당신 johnstamos I have crush on 당신 . 당신 are so handsome in full house. I hope that in 다음 birth 당신 will be my boyfriend 게시됨 over a year ago
stamosgirls1 commented…
haha. i have a crush on him too LOL over a year ago
amystamos04 commented…
me to over a year ago
I_love_Jesse commented…
i 사랑 john stamos over a year ago
I_love_Jesse commented…
i have the biggest crush on him over a year ago
Aly221990 said …
당신 are a good looking guy. I hope to meet 당신 someday. 게시됨 over a year ago
amystamos04 commented…
yup. he age grreat over a year ago
sweetkrissy2 said …
당신 are so cute 게시됨 over a year ago
sweetkrissy2 said …
Hi john stamos, how are 당신 doing today? I am your biggest fan. I just 사랑 당신 in full house as uncle jesse and when 당신 were on ER as Tony Gates. 당신 are such a great actor and singer. 당신 play the drums very well. I can't believe that 당신 still sing with the 바닷가, 비치 Boys, I just 사랑 it when 당신 sing Forever. It is my 가장 좋아하는 song. I 사랑 당신 John Stamos. 당신 are awesome. 당신 never changed your looks, from Full House to Now. That is great. BYE. I hope some 일 be able to meet you. 게시됨 over a year ago
amystamosfan commented…
no i am his nuber one 팬 i know every thing about him so 당신 need to stop ling over a year ago
stamosgirls1 commented…
@amystamosfan i am also his number one fan.. everybody has their own number of likes. so don't say no i am his number 1 팬 when alot of people are number 팬 of john stamos. so 당신 just be nice. over a year ago
stamosgirls1 commented…
and don't be judging people over a year ago
CapShunsuifan13 said …
Hi John still hot as never loving the yogurt commercials 게시됨 over a year ago
CapShunsuifan13 commented…
I can't believe I said never I meant ever. over a year ago
ashleygirls said …
hI John Stamos HOW ARE 당신 CUTE 게시됨 over a year ago
EmilyOrange said …
저기요 Fans! Bob Saget is nominated for a 2012 Big Daddy Award as TV Hall of Fame Big Daddy! 당신 can vote for him as many times as 당신 want starting MONDAY at! 게시됨 over a year ago
michael67708 said …
When are 당신 going to be a father 게시됨 over a year ago
darkgreen said …
so wish i could live my life staring at him......... 게시됨 over a year ago
TayTayBieber said …
"Have Mercy" ;)
i < 3 when he says that! ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
kunseyrules commented…
me too over a year ago