Jeff the killer is awesome i use to be obsessed over him though and it was at the point where I literally went to school as him wearing his clothes and everything the black pants the black t 셔츠 and. The white hoodie ...and according to a few 프렌즈 ...i came into school with the smile so yeah i 사랑 him is awesome and i will show 당신 guys some of my drawings oc him sometime...hope 당신 lik e 이모 ..
게시됨 over a year ago
Jeff!!! I 사랑 him!!!! Jeff is bae Jeff is life I will only 사랑 Jeff for as long as I live. JEFF IS MY BAE AND I 사랑 HIM AN INFINITY AMOUNT!!! ILL NEVER 사랑 ANYONE ELSE!!!! MY BAE!!! GOT THAT!!
게시됨 over a year ago
Here's a message for crazy fan-girls. STOP FAN-GIRLING OVER POOR JEFF!!!!!!!! If he IS real, he would've kicked ur asses. I'm tired of hearing girls say "I wish Jeff is real, he'd come into my house and ask if I would marry him!!" I'M SICK OF IT!! JUST STOP!!
게시됨 over a year ago
Guys I'm gonna be honest with you, Jeff probably is a good guy... just insane (like me xD). I feel like if he really IS real, someone will try to reason with him. (Probably someome like him... like me xD)
게시됨 over a year ago
i don't know how jeff became insane but he's freakin awsome and legendary, but my big brother hates him. *is sad cuz of my brother hates him* :(
게시됨 over a year ago
Go To Sleep Children.. Close your eyes and stay asleep.. Your dreams will go on forever, and forever they may stay.. Please Go To Sleep.. THATS IT!! GO TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!
게시됨 over a year ago
paste this is the 주소 Bar, if 당신 think you're 메리다와 마법의 숲 enough, and please tell me your reaction, this was the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. WARNING! Serious Jeff The Killer Jumpscare! I DARE 당신 TO WATCH THIS FOR A MINUTE!!!!
게시됨 over a year ago
*English accent, GO!* ahem... spelling, wot wot! I meant, good sah, when I went to that jolly old gif, bricks were shat, and I 로스트 m' 차 and m' biscuits...over a year ago