Janus What is your main Janus strong suit?

Pick one:
Art (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.)
Art (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.)
Writing/ creative planning
Writing/creative planning
Art and 음악
Art and 음악
Art and 글쓰기
Art and 글쓰기
Art and 연기
Art and 연기
음악 and 글쓰기
음악 and 글쓰기
음악 and 연기
음악 and 연기
글쓰기 and 연기
글쓰기 and 연기
There&# 39; s only one I&# 39; m not an expert at... (be...
There's only one I'm not an expert at... (be honest!)
I rock at all of them! (I said BE HONEST!)
I rock at all of them! (I said BE HONEST!)
 BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
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