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Jamie Foxx Which of his songs do 당신 like best?

9 fans picked:
Blame it (on the alcohol)
Blame it (on the alcohol)
Just like Me
Just like Me
 corncakes posted over a year ago
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Just like Me
que0928 picked Just like Me:
just have to let every know that Jamie Foxx concert is off the hook. Everyone should pass the word that when you go to his concert he gives his all. My niece went back stage and said that sure they waited for him to come in but when he did he was very nice and showed everyone some love. Jamie Ur the best... this coming from Indiana....
posted over a year ago.
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Master24 said:
These songs are just mainstream.
You should of added more choices if you actually listen to his albums.

Anyways, one of my favorite songs would have to be "VIP" and "Three Letter Word".
posted over a year ago.