Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen Were 당신 surprised when he imprinted?

Pick one:
Yeah! I was so surprised!
Kind off...
No- I guessed it before it happened.
No. cause on stepheni- emeyer. com it said &# 34; can a...
No. cause on stepheniemeyer.com it said "can a werewolf inprint on a wampire" and
Added by martemora15
No- it was bound to happen when he thought Bella...
No- it was bound to happen when he thought Bella was dead
Added by Bella_Swan96
yes I mean he thought bella was dead and nessie isa child of bella's
Added by tigerlily0597
totaly i mean thats why bella couldnt help but...
totaly i mean thats why bella couldnt help but 사랑 him and why jacob couldnt hel
Added by Olympusrulz
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 alinarocks11 posted over a year ago
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