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Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen Do 당신 think that it's unfair that Jacob nicknamed Renesmee, "Nessie" even though Nessie's mother(Bella) hated the name?

87 fans picked:
Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. : p
Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p
No! He should have permission!
No! He should have permission!
 NessieCarlee638 posted over a year ago
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
xxxmermaidsxxx picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
i think its fine he nicknamed her...
posted over a year ago.
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No! He should have permis- sion!
Bella_Swan96 picked No! He should have permission!:
I think that he should have made sure that it was okay with Bella- or at least Edward first. It's only fair- she's their child.
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
therealBella picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
i hated the nickname at first, but now i love it :)
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
jessyglover picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
Well Bella doesn't have to call her Nessie just him so she can get over it!!! no ofense Bella:)
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
xBellaxEwardx21 picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
I think its cute! i think Bella just overreacted cause she was still getting use 2 being a vampire. Cause at the end of breaking dawn she even starts calling Renesmee Nessie. So i think its perfectly fine. Besides i think when Nessie gets older she will like that name!
posted over a year ago.
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No! He should have permis- sion!
tigerlily0597 picked No! He should have permission!:
I hate that name when I first read BD i thought the same thing Bella did and I quote "You nicknamed my daughter after the LOCH NESS MONSTER?"
posted over a year ago.
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No! He should have permis- sion!
nessienjake picked No! He should have permission!:
no i think nessie the name is pretty =D and you dont need to move your tongue around like you need for the pronuciation of reneesme.;D
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
Team_Carlisle picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
I would have done it just to piss off Bella
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
AnnaSmiley picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
OH, man. Do you ask someones mum before you nickname someone? "Hey, can I call her Nessie?" or do you think someone asked Bella's mum "Can we call her Bella instead of Isabella?" or whatever her name is xD
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
floydieface picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
Nessie is the perfect name for her. Simple easy but my spell check doesn't like it in my story
posted over a year ago.
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No! He should have permis- sion!
Eirinaki_b_13 picked No! He should have permission!:
Bella is her mum and she should have a word about the name
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
Schnusch picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
My fiance calls me Nessie too cause he thinks its cute and I like it.
posted over a year ago.
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No! He should have permis- sion!
Morganvileholic picked No! He should have permission!:
i love the name and think it suits her and usually u shouldn't ask to nick name someone but bella is her mum and should agree to the name first plus bella must have been finding it hard because she just changed to a vamp plus she was so used to having jacob falling all over her so she would have to get used to it and she does still love jacob but it almost doesn't matter any more which would be hard so i think he should cut bella some slak and respect the fact she is her mother and gets to chose her name
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
NessiBlack picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
It really does suit her. But really, after the LOCHNESS MONSTER!!
posted over a year ago.
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No! He should have permis- sion!
DeniseAnne picked No! He should have permission!:
He's mean to be with Renesmee forever, so why should Bella try to change that nickname??
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
Flickerflame picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
It's a natural nickname, he's right in saying that the name Renesmee is a bit of a mouthful, and since when do you need someone's mother or parents' permission to nickname him or her?!
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, because he LOVES Nessie- ....
LowriLorenza89 picked Yes, because he LOVES Nessie. :p:
I think it's a cute nickname and he's right in saying that Renesmee is too long to pronounce easily. You don't need someone's parents' permission to give them a nickname. Even if the parents dislike it, it's fine to use as long as that person likes it.
posted over a year ago.