As he prepares to release his final Jackass film, the stuntman takes stock of a surprisingly long, hilariously painful, and unusually influential career. 의해 Sam Schube for GQ, 25 May 2021.
March 5, 2021, y'all. Anthony D'Alessandro for Deadline, 18 DEC 2019.
Jackass 별, 스타 Wee Man takes a female friend for a spin in his classic ’62 Chevy Impala.
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the most legendary stunt film of all time, Vice spoke to everyone involved. October 2017.
"Anyone wanna bail me out of jail?" 의해 Zach Seemayer for ET Online, 9 AUG 2015.
1 fan
Hilarious special installation and extension billboards for Johnny Knoxville's Bad Grandpa along Sunset Strip and 더 많이 in L.A.
This baptist church says "ryan dunn is in hell" and promises to protest any mourners, memorials, and funeral, and all b'cuz he stuck a toy car up his 나귀, 엉덩이 in the jackass film. I want this to be presented, and I can't believe ppl r so stupid!
2 fans