Invader Zim FanCharacters Club
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posted by AngelOfDeath00
Okay, so, I was thinking up ideas for an IZ fanfiction, and somehow I came up with this.

Mi-Yun Jeong transfers to the United States from South Korea. She starts going to the local school, where she is 인기 on the first 일 because she's foreign, she's pretty kawaii desu (she's an Asian girl, of course she's gonna be all kawii desu), and she easily can run two different clubs and still have time for homework, gymnastics, her friends, and one-on-one time with her best friend.

Dib is the only one who directly approaches her, and he does so to warn her that Zim is dangerous. She decides to talk to Zim to test that, and concludes that he's safe.

Now, most people will say no if 당신 invite them to your underground alien lab to perform tests. But what if someone was to happily comply?
In this world, humans posses at least one spectacular and unique talent. Not regular talents, like 노래 또는 cooking. But abnormal talents. Telekinesis, seeing the future, running faster than light, flying. Those types of talents. However, after discovering such power, we discovered a much darker one. The power of our own minds. One that can ultimately alter the course of history as we know it. There are many groups that say to have power over this, saying that they can kill anyone with just one blink. But that's not true, they just want people to fear them. To leave them alone so they may...
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added by invaderlin123
added by Solo28
Original Song's Name - Perfect Cell's Theme Original Song Maker - Bruce Faulconer
theme song
Outside Tak`s hotdog stand Tak is standing with a dog (looks like 지르 in his disguise only white, thick floppy ears, and eye lashes)
Tak: “now, my little robot dog, go to Dib`s house,find as much about Zim as possible”
The dog just stands there and 당신 hear beeping from it, then Tak realizes something
Tak: “oh, right” She goes inside and a few 초 later, comes out with a S.I.R. unit memory disk, opens the dog`s head, and puts it in the memory slot, then puts a 담홍색, 핑크 칼라 with a purple tag on the dog (has an upside down female military Irkan symbol, but only with the 원, 동그라미 and...
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ok im giving 당신 all props and making the 사진 so hurry up and leave a 코멘트 and none of this part is inportant so im just going to say the lucky word doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom dooom dooooooooooooooooooooooooom doom doom doom doom doom doom dom doom dooom dooom dooom doom dooom doom dooom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom dooom doooom ododddododododododododoododdooom doom doom doom doom dooom doom doom doom doom oh and i will wait only for a 시간 doom doom ddoomm doom domomomomomomomomomomom
claire: *sitting on rocky* hehehehehe *kisses*
rocky: i 사랑 you...*kisses*
vixen: *bursts through door* IRKEN TRAITOR!!
claire: *takes out gun aims at vixen* what are 당신 doing who sent you?!
vixen: *tackles claire and holds claw to throat* IM HERE TO KILL 당신 IRKEN SCUM!! AND I SENT MYSELF!!
claire: *picks 암 여우, 빅슨, 여우야 off chest aims gun at her* WHO 또는 WHAT ARE YOU!!??
vixen: I WAS PRIZED IRKEN INVADER VIXEN!! NOW IM A WOLF!!*pentagram on cheek turns flaming red*
claire: how were you... *bows* invader vixen... the best invader in the galaxy?! 당신 cant be!!
rocky: ummm whats going on here... and claires...
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added by InvaderJet
Source: A 머핀
Helena: WTF!! 당신 like Dib.
Sulflex: Yeah he's so cute.
Helena: *barfs*
Sulflex: Yuck
Helena: I can't believe I'm doing this, but Sulflex I'm giving 당신 tips.
Sulflex: Yay :)
Helena: 1. Be nice to him
Sulflex: got it. 당신 mean like asking him about his 일 또는 something.
Helena: Right! 2. Ask him if he likes you.
Sulflex: I hope he says yes.
Helena: *rolls eyes* 3. 키스 him.
Sulflex; WTH. I don't think I could make it to 3
Helena: you'll be fine.
Sulflex: thanks. i'll invade his heart
Helena: Go Get Him Cobra
Sulflex:* walks out the door* I will
"jaunga GREETO! how did the ritual go?" my friend lisk asked.
"greeto lisk! it went well!" i replied remembering nashanis warning not to tell anyone.
"did she speak to you?" he asked. i could tell he suspected something he often knew what was going on.
"no not this time. sadly... but anyway how are you?" i said, trying to change the subject.
"fine fine. well i must be off i have a meeting with someone." he said and waved as he walked off. i wanted to say something but i didnt want doom.
"oh no not poor mr. salidia. whats the problem?" i said and looked at mr. salidias crumpled old body.
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added by wolfy123
Source: Me
posted by Foxy10
So alright, I couldn't help but notice that the fandom is a little uptight now a days.But then I caught wind of when this fandom was 더 많이 alive that everyone was very nice to each other, but now it's all one big POPULARITY CONTEST! :<

It's all about who's art is best and who has the most page views and I gotta say stop......just stop. It doesn't matter who's "better" just try to have fun and make 프렌즈 not enemies! Do what 당신 사랑 the most no matter what anyone says, don't let the trolls get 당신 down.

And to the people who think they have shity art calm down rome wasn't built in a day!...
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 Death Worm!
Death Worm!
Wave: I'll just stay. *watches him go* K, Keet, pay up. I broke them up.
Keet: *pays her* It will be my luck if he dosen't go comfort Kai.
*goes to find Kai*

Brad: *Slams Door Of Restroom*
Erick:What Happen Doode
Brad: Nothing Erick Nothing
Erick: Like 당신 Always Say *Smirks And Washes Face*
Brad: *Rolls Eyes*
(Thinks) I Should Beat Up Keet *Smirks And Evil Glares*
Erick: *Looks At Brad* Uh Brad?
Brad: Yes Erick?*Smirk Goes Widely*
Erick: Uhhh Bye!
*Walks Away Quickly*
Brad: *Sighs Evily And Walks Away*
Brad: 저기요 Hey!KAIKAI!
Uhhhh DX

Kai: *looks down from a tree* Brad?
Keet: *one branch...
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SCENE 6 - Petropia [Zera's Ruled Planet]

Lard Nar: Now Pooky stay here, I'll be right back...

Pooky tries to talk through the tube he's in, but it's soundproof.

Zera is yelling at her Petrosapien slaves.

Zera: Can't 당신 useless piles of rock do this any faster!?

Random Petrosapien: We're working as fast as we can, master.

Lard Nar grabs Zera.

Zera: Let me go 당신 horrible Vort demon!

Lard Nar: Lalalala I can't hear you.

Lard Nar is stopped 의해 some guards. Lard Nar goes through in between them, and tosses Zera in a tube his ship 다음 to Pooky and lies off.

Lard Nar: 2 of 2 down....we're ready...

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Just a short montage of DJ Darike and Cindy with a remix of DJ got us falling in 사랑 again =^_^=
added by RealCosmic
Source: drawn my ChibiKeba
added by TurtleShroom
Take some lovable Toy Story audio, place it on some sort of 애니메이션 with a makeshift Zim and Dib, and voila, 당신 win the Internet.
added by spongebobfan98
The reason I chose this song was because Zar has had a few problems in her life but she gets over them 의해 getting on her spaceship and refreshing her mind. And her spaceship is her 가장 좋아하는 place to hang out and watch the stars.
theme song
voot 순양함, 크루저
added by invaderlin123
Source: flightfootwarrior
Guys, so earlier I was looking through my old stuff in my old account @silvaria_fan23, I may have deactivated my account but some of my 코멘트 & posts are still there and Honestly who ever comes across them, somehow, I truly apologize for my atrocious behavior. I used to be a child with a sick mind 또는 was unaware of what I was doing, & would handle situations in a brutal way 또는 sometimes couldn’t do anything about it, & just let it slide onto bigger problem. Then some of my drawings, comments, 기사 또는 role plays, Truly inappropriate 또는 either made no fucking sense. Once...
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