Okay, so, I was thinking up ideas for an IZ fanfiction, and somehow I came up with this.
Mi-Yun Jeong transfers to the United States from South Korea. She starts going to the local school, where she is 인기 on the first 일 because she's foreign, she's pretty kawaii desu (she's an Asian girl, of course she's gonna be all kawii desu), and she easily can run two different clubs and still have time for homework, gymnastics, her friends, and one-on-one time with her best friend.
Dib is the only one who directly approaches her, and he does so to warn her that Zim is dangerous. She decides to talk to Zim to test that, and concludes that he's safe.
Now, most people will say no if 당신 invite them to your underground alien lab to perform tests. But what if someone was to happily comply?
Mi-Yun Jeong transfers to the United States from South Korea. She starts going to the local school, where she is 인기 on the first 일 because she's foreign, she's pretty kawaii desu (she's an Asian girl, of course she's gonna be all kawii desu), and she easily can run two different clubs and still have time for homework, gymnastics, her friends, and one-on-one time with her best friend.
Dib is the only one who directly approaches her, and he does so to warn her that Zim is dangerous. She decides to talk to Zim to test that, and concludes that he's safe.
Now, most people will say no if 당신 invite them to your underground alien lab to perform tests. But what if someone was to happily comply?
ok im giving 당신 all props and making the 사진 so hurry up and leave a 코멘트 and none of this part is inportant so im just going to say the lucky word doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom dooom dooooooooooooooooooooooooom doom doom doom doom doom doom dom doom dooom dooom dooom doom dooom doom dooom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom dooom doooom ododddododododododododoododdooom doom doom doom doom dooom doom doom doom doom oh and i will wait only for a 시간 doom doom ddoomm doom domomomomomomomomomomom
Helena: WTF!! 당신 like Dib.
Sulflex: Yeah he's so cute.
Helena: *barfs*
Sulflex: Yuck
Helena: I can't believe I'm doing this, but Sulflex I'm giving 당신 tips.
Sulflex: Yay :)
Helena: 1. Be nice to him
Sulflex: got it. 당신 mean like asking him about his 일 또는 something.
Helena: Right! 2. Ask him if he likes you.
Sulflex: I hope he says yes.
Helena: *rolls eyes* 3. 키스 him.
Sulflex; WTH. I don't think I could make it to 3
Helena: you'll be fine.
Sulflex: thanks. i'll invade his heart
Helena: Go Get Him Cobra
Sulflex:* walks out the door* I will
Sulflex: Yeah he's so cute.
Helena: *barfs*
Sulflex: Yuck
Helena: I can't believe I'm doing this, but Sulflex I'm giving 당신 tips.
Sulflex: Yay :)
Helena: 1. Be nice to him
Sulflex: got it. 당신 mean like asking him about his 일 또는 something.
Helena: Right! 2. Ask him if he likes you.
Sulflex: I hope he says yes.
Helena: *rolls eyes* 3. 키스 him.
Sulflex; WTH. I don't think I could make it to 3
Helena: you'll be fine.
Sulflex: thanks. i'll invade his heart
Helena: Go Get Him Cobra
Sulflex:* walks out the door* I will

Death Worm!