이누야사 -Sit Boy! Wall

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fansfunsz said …
funny 게시됨 over a year ago
helloyellow25 said …
kagome:hey 이누야사
inuyasha:ur wher gon long
kagome:so now i cant even go 집
kagome:kiss me
kagome:come on i thot ur where over kikyo
inuyasha:kikyo is my solmate
shippo:he shouldent of said that
kagome:SIT SIT SIT SIT 게시됨 over a year ago
kagome111 said …
Inuyasha:aha! I knew 당신 were mad!
Kagome:grrr..inuyasha, sit boy! Sit boy sit boy sit boy SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT!!!!!!!!
inuyasha: SSSSTTTTOOOOOPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!MM
miroku:i told him not to mess with her emotions
Shippo:she looks scary 게시됨 over a year ago
Rin08 said …
haha my friend has a black spiky 목걸이 that looks a LOT like a black version of the 마법에 걸린 사랑 sit 목걸이 and everyday I say "Sit" but it doesn't work so then I say "One 일 it will work and it will kick your butt." 게시됨 over a year ago
Rin08 said …
Thumbs if 당신 think InuYasha totally deserves every sit he has ever dealt with :p 게시됨 over a year ago
Pandabears commented…
not really EVERY sit but most of them :) over a year ago
Rin08 commented…
i like the accidental ones. Like in moive 3 when InuYasha is complaining about the 목걸이 and Kagome says, "I don't say sit that often do I?" As he face plants into the ground XD LOL over a year ago
halle1283 commented…
i like the one where there is like 100 sits! over a year ago
DemonInuyasha16 said …
kagome: SIT!!!!!
inuyasha: why does she do this to me?????? 게시됨 over a year ago
Pandabears commented…
LOL over a year ago
Rin08 commented…
hehehehehe over a year ago
GrimmjowLover16 commented…
ouswari XD over a year ago
Rin08 said …
Oh man if I had the power to make InuYasha sit I would be sooooo happy! Its soooo funny :) 게시됨 over a year ago
tigerstar34 commented…
amen to tat! i wish i coul sit anyone who annoyd me 또는 mad me angry....i'b be soo evil... over a year ago
XxXKitsuneXxX commented…
I wonder where u can get the beads cuz it would come in handy for other people too! :P over a year ago
Rin08 commented…
true true if I could find those bead I would make sooo many of those necklaces and put them on sooo many different people ^.^ They would be so confused when they cant take it off rofl over a year ago
DemonInuyasha16 said …
SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
nexis13 commented…
poor dog LOL over a year ago
Denelys said …
Osuwari!!!!! Osuwari!!!! Osuwari!!!!! Oooosssuuuwwwaaaarrriiiiii!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
Rin08 commented…
hahaha omg that is one of my 가장 좋아하는 scenes LOL i made it into a ringtone :) over a year ago
miss_randomer commented…
u guys r mean...........................BUT ITS SO FUNNY!! LOL SIT SITSIT BOT!!!!! N stay there for bit. lmfao. how do u make it a rigtone? :/ over a year ago
Denelys commented…
why am I mean? over a year ago
miss_randomer commented…
its just u its me too. LOL we all wanna tell 이누야사 to sit when we have the chance to. haha :D over a year ago
Rin08 said …
이누야사 SIT BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago