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posted by sierrawroe
if 당신 want to add me I have aim my screen name is sierraxoxo10 thanks I hope to have new buddies from 팬 pop!!!!! evey body should add me because I have alot to say. sorry I dont give out phone numbers 또는 emails.please do not ask any personal 질문 또는 I will 삭제 have been wonder full and I would like to thank 팬팝 for letting us speak our minds and have fun with other people.
my age is 10 and I live in st.augustine fl.I go to school at ketterlinus ele.My 5th grade teachers are:first period:math with mrs smolleck.second period:science with mr. stahr.third period:scocial studies with mrs. hutson.Fourth period:lituature with mr. sharman. 집 room with MR STAHR!!!!