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✯ Jensen Ackles

My 가장 좋아하는 actor! He's topping my list for almost three years, since I first saw him as Dean Winchester in Supernatural!
I 사랑 everything about this guy, he's so perfect!

Favorite role on TV: For sure, Dean Winchester!

Favorite role in film: Tom Hanniger in My Bloody Valentine! Priestly in Ten Inch Hero is great too! It was wonderful to see Jensen as a punk rocker!

✯ Ian Somerhalder

Favorite role on TV: Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries!

Favorite role in film: Paul Denton in The Rules of Attraction (I actually didn't watch this movie but I've seen some trailers...
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added by IngridPresley
Source: Me, of course! ;D
Hey fellow fanpoppers! After a little break from 글쓰기 기사 here, I finally came up with another list of my TV favorites... This time it's dedicated to my most loved cute bromances on TV shows! It includes beautiful and sincere friendships which we were able to follow the growth through episodes 또는 seasons of some series and we can't get tired of fangirling over them! Hope 당신 all enjoy it!

Dean & Castiel [Supernatural]

Damon & Alaric [The Vampire Diaries]

Peter & Neal [White Collar]

Nick & Monroe [Grimm]

James & Carlos [Big Time...
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added by IngridPresley
added by IngridPresley
Hey, guys! So, I was Tumblr-ing a little bit today and I've stumbled across some post from a List of Surveys blog... Now I decided to apply this one to me! I'm going to bold what's true about me and I hope 당신 enjoy the reading! :)

Random Facts:

I am a cuddler.
I am a morning person.
I am an only child.
I am currently in my pajamas.
I am currently pregnant.
I am left handed.
l am right handed.
I am ambidextrous.
I am a little shy around the opposite gender.
I bite my nails.
I can be paranoid at times.
I enjoy country music.
I enjoy smoothies.
I enjoy talking on the phone.
I have a car.
I have/had a hard time...
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@Royal Blood
royal blood
mike kerr
ben thatcher
official video
added by IngridPresley
added by iceprincess7492
Source: Me!
added by IngridPresley
added by IngridPresley
added by IngridPresley
added by IngridPresley
added by IngridPresley
added by Erika-Wesley
Source: Tumblr / Ian-lovers
added by Gigi_1D
added by iceprincess7492
Source: 구글
added by Erika-Wesley
Source: Tumblr / Ian-lovers
added by drewjoana
@Ernest Garcia
wes bentley
blue 크리스마스
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