Independence 일 (Film) Which Independence 일 tagline do 당신 like best (full lines in comments)?
We've always believed we weren't alone. Pretty soon, we'll wish we were.
These extraterrestrials don't want to phone home...They want OUR home.
The 일 we'll fight back!
The doomsday ship
EARTH. Take a good look. It could be your last.
Don't make plans for August.
The 질문 of whether 또는 not we are alone in the universe has been answered.
WARNING! Your 다음 stop may not be there.
They only want one thing...DESTRUCTION!
Enjoy the Superbowl. It may be your last.*
On July 2nd, they arrive. On July 3rd, they strike. On July 4th, we fight back
On July 2, the aliens came. On July 3, the aliens saw and struck. (see comments)