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posted by australia-101
WHEN TO USE FLASH CARDS: memorizing words/vocab, numbers, equations, names, dates, and verbatim facts 또는 lines.

WHEN TO USE MNEMONIC DEVICES: memorizing steps of a process 또는 sets of facts/information/people, especially in an order.

WHEN TO USE CONCEPT MAPS 또는 DRAWINGS: learning (rather than memorizing) relationships, processes, concepts, systems, etc.

WHEN TO USE TABLES 또는 CHARTS: learning 또는 memorizing systems (e.g. conjugation in a foreign language), sets of sets of information (e.g. people and when they lived and what they did), and other large/complex groups of information.

WHEN TO USE SONGS: for learning 또는 memorizing anything.
added by govtjobsblog
Source: http://www.govtjobsblog.in/2014/06/bank-jobs-in-india-latest-banking-jobs.html
Hi everyone willing to read this paper. I need your imput... I'm not satisfied with this paper and need help! Thanks to everyone!

Miniatures are the same as the real thing, 또는 are they different? What about foosball and soccer; ping pong and tennis? Ping pong and 테니스 are 더 많이 alike then most people may think. The equipment, rules, and techniques are relatively the same with only a few minor differences.
    Furthermore, the equipment is similar. Both 테니스 and ping pong players use rackets to hit balls to the opponents court. Handles and heads are found on 테니스 racket....
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Hello all. I'd 사랑 some tips, constructive criticism on my essay. Thanks in advance! :)

Comparing Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X

    While Martin Luther King’s peaceful protests against narrow minded white supremacists helped him rise to national fame, Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little, lectured the United States about 이슬람 and urged others to dismiss all whites as their enemies and arm themselves for war. Each discussed the same issues, but their methods of achievement and ideas about equal opportunity differed as much as night and day. Although both greatly influential...
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