헤타리아 ~UsUk~ Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 46

Pastel-bae said …
HEY-OOOOO! Nobody's been talkin' on this 벽 for quite a while, so....I'm the first to burst in and break this wall's silence! 게시됨 over a year ago
YummyTuna said …
Hellooooo? Is anyone here?? D8 게시됨 over a year ago
IggyFTW said …
it feels as if this 벽 just died 게시됨 over a year ago
oliver7423 said …
This fandom is now silent. 게시됨 over a year ago
oliver7423 said …
Centennial Gift is out everyone! In YouTube and Facebook, a lot of UsUk suppport. 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
videogamergirl said …
당신 know, I'm not a 팬 of UsUk but I'm a 팬 of 당신 fans. 당신 all seem really nice and frankly, hilarious :) Anyone bashes UsUk in your community 또는 anywhere, I'll stick up for ya ;) Despite my views on pairings 게시됨 over a year ago
T045tToastToAsT commented…
Jegus christ girl, 당신 are one of the best people ever! :D over a year ago
videogamergirl commented…
LOL thanks! 당신 are too! :) over a year ago
black_amaranth commented…
Thanks alot! over a year ago
AlyssAybss said …
link USUK/RUSAME Posts (Takes requests) 게시됨 over a year ago
oliver7423 said …
Can someone please change the icon^. Otherwise the two demons will come back and bash again. 게시됨 over a year ago
black_amaranth commented…
Can I? I'd change it if I could. over a year ago
bubblegum_kiss commented…
The icon's pretty cute though... over a year ago
T045tToastToAsT commented…
^ The icon's cute (In a family way), but then again, the haters are gonna make a big deal over it and call 당신 USUK 팬 nasty perverts 또는 something. over a year ago
Edvygrl8 said …
Actually, coming back to say, the 아이콘 당신 have for this club proves that 당신 are nothing but shallow sickos. Oh boy, bet 당신 just drool over the idea of two brothers raping the other. And yes, shots is rape, because children have no say so over it and can't judge for themselves. And don't even bother saying "oh but America had a crush on him, he picked him!" "Oh they aren't brothers anymore, because a war clearly has the power to do that" "oh I ship them when they are older" 게시됨 over a year ago
Edvygrl8 commented…
Because it shows what kinda biased headcanon pathetic idiots 당신 are. over a year ago
videogamergirl commented…
dude...you're a dick. nuff said -_- over a year ago
T045tToastToAsT commented…
^ Yeah, I have to agree with videogamergirl with being nice to someone who's insanely rude and bashes on people for no LEGIT reason. over a year ago
Edvygrl8 said …
Seriously, go to hell. 당신 bunch of bloody shallow Insulting gits. 당신 don't give a damn about any country, let alone your own. And the 아이콘 당신 choose for this club, proves what kind of sickos 당신 are. 게시됨 over a year ago
sconeburgers commented…
I have an idea. How about 당신 stick to your own pairings and quit getting so worked up about what other people ship? There's really no point in going to someone's page and posting such an awful comment. I don't go posting mean things on your FrUK stuff. So why 코멘트 something so unprompted and vile? Such meaningless bullying. over a year ago
oliver7423 commented…
I hope a UsUk 팬 won't do the same thing unlike PQ and EdvyGirl. Otherwise, a shipping war may occur between the UsUk and FrUk fans. over a year ago
T045tToastToAsT commented…
Ugh. Shipping wars. They're so pointless. JUST LET PEOPLE SHIP WHAT THEY SHIP. over a year ago
black_amaranth said …
Hey... why do I feel as if the UsUk fandom is dead these days?? 게시됨 over a year ago
randomnumber said …
did anyone go all Hetalia-fangirl seeing this guy's name on the superbowl?? 게시됨 over a year ago
black_amaranth commented…
Oh yeah... I did. Pretty hard, too. over a year ago
randomnumber commented…
LOL i dont blame you. i dont ship them all that much, and my dad really looked at me funny when i cracked up XD over a year ago
anime_cutiez said …
I 사랑 UsUk!! LOL When my teacher said to write a codename in a paper for exchange gift, my pick was Serenity 또는 Tsuna with a 27, but sir said no one has to know that codename I figured ot that everybody knows I'm Serenity 또는 Tsuna cuz that's my nickname in school!! So I figured since I'm the only 헤타리아 팬 in our class why not "USxUK27"? Well, my guts are right, and nobody know I was USxUK27!! Lolz 게시됨 over a year ago
KiraYukina12 said …
USUK 4 life Mofos!>.< 게시됨 over a year ago
Angeelous said …
My OTP. <3 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
batgirl910 said …
i 사랑 this club ty ty ty ty ty ty!!! >W< 게시됨 over a year ago
missracoon said …
I 사랑 that banner<3 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
Oh thank 당신 ;D over a year ago
HarukaMamotte said …
My 가장 좋아하는 야오이 couple! X3 게시됨 over a year ago
sailor_spade15 commented…
mine too ^^ over a year ago
BeB commented…
AGREED over a year ago
mtndewluver commented…
가장 좋아하는 couple. PERIOD!!!! XD over a year ago
KiraYukina12 commented…
The Best 야오이 couple, SwissAus is 다음 on my list over a year ago
lumforever said …
*Clicks Join* That's it, I have to admit, they are pretty cute together....
(‐^▽^‐) 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
<33 Yes, VERY cute~ over a year ago
ClaireVoyant said …
I gotta admit, this 2 are the couple that introduce me to 슬래쉬 and fandom... since 2006 >////< 게시됨 over a year ago
ILoveL2 said …
Most people think i'm wierd for loving this couple so much. Those people have never experienced true happiness!!! USUK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3 게시됨 over a year ago
yaoiboi commented…
i 사랑 this over a year ago
ILoveL2 commented…
Thank you! I honestly adore UsUk with all my heart! over a year ago
BeB commented…
pfffffffft agreed dude XD over a year ago
BeB said …
/D WE HAVE LIKE 400+ MEMBERS?! I AM SO FRICK'N PROUD! 게시됨 over a year ago
ILoveL2 commented…
YAY!!! USUK FOREVER!!!~ <3 over a year ago
missracoon said …
This couple is win, end of story :) 게시됨 over a year ago
Sodapop127 said …
This is the best thing in life man. 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
missracoon said …
This couple is very much win! :D 게시됨 over a year ago
Firebender-16 said …
당신 gotta 사랑 these guys UsxUK :) 게시됨 over a year ago
Angeelous said …
I 사랑 the banner! <3 게시됨 over a year ago
TieriaErde said …
I 사랑 this pairing a lot.. Last night I was watching a bunch of AsaKiku amvs and it turned into me watching UsUk in the end and they were so cute!! <3 게시됨 over a year ago
TheFujiyoshi said …
I just want to ask is there 더 많이 Usuk 팬 then Fruk???? i <3 Usuk i dont want to see our awesome fandomn to go down!! we should have a usuk day!!!! whos with me?????? lets make it public!!!!! <3 게시됨 over a year ago
missracoon commented…
AYEE over a year ago
sailor_spade15 commented…
don't worry, UsUk has 더 많이 fans, and i don't think that'll change, but a UsUk 일 sounds awesome! xD over a year ago
Animelover1220 commented…
That would be awesome! But we couldn't get the whole U.S. (meaning the government XD) to agree cause we're independent from Britain sooo... Only for 아니메 lovers! LOL 😊 over a year ago
TheFujiyoshi commented…
Well ofcourse we would have to keep it in our fandomn i hear people doing days for the 가장 좋아하는 couples in many fandomns so i thought what about usuk!!! i think it should be maybe on july 4th? even though thats kinda of a sad 일 >.>"" LOL any suggestions? LOL over a year ago
kaboomgirl said …
I saw the club. I looked at the pictures. I'm pretty sure my 심장 skipped a beat. ArthurxAlfred <3 게시됨 over a year ago
TheFujiyoshi commented…
YESSSS ur awesome!! <3 over a year ago
HetaliaYaoifan said …
Is it wrong to think of Arthur and Alfred while listening to this song? XD link I can`t help it!! >//U//< 게시됨 over a year ago
dragongirl1501 commented…
OMG i listened, and it is not wrong to think of USUK at all. XD over a year ago
HetaliaYaoifan commented…
Exactly! XD It gave me a mini nosebleed |D over a year ago
Arthur_Kirkland said …
Oh my Lord... 208 people belive that this IDIOT and I would ever even consider...b-being... whats wrong with people??? -//-'' 게시됨 over a year ago
Trainofdoom commented…
Oh come now Arthur~ We know 당신 사랑 him~ *takes out camera* :D over a year ago
kittykat8005 commented…
Now gentlemen don't lie, do they? ;) So be honest and confess! >:D over a year ago
Arthur_Kirkland commented…
I-I agree with Vocaloidcode01!!! I have no interest in that disgusting hamburger eating idiot!!! >////< over a year ago
BeB said …
OH SHYTE WE HAVE EXACTLY 199!!! I havent been on in FOREVER- omg who ever joins 다음 will get a special present!!! :D So whoevers next- SHOUT US OUT WE WANNA KNOW WHO 당신 ARE!!! <3 GO USUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
WE HIT 200 >8DDD over a year ago
kittykat8005 said …
"It’s alright
You’ll be fine
Baby, I’m in control
Take the pain
Take the pleasure
I’m the master of both.." Why is it when I hear these lyrics, I automatically think of this couple? >///< 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
XDDD I think its because of the pain they share and the pleasure they give each other...? XDD either way LOL over a year ago
kittykat8005 commented…
YES! But it's sexy/hot/cute, either way 당신 wanna describe it, in the end! xD over a year ago
Hanna_Hetalia said …
WHAT CONTEST? *w* 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
The 4th of July one, I've extended the deadline to Sept 1st XD over a year ago
PaperAirplane said …
maybe america will get lucky on his birthday? honhonhonhonhon 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
XD Who knows?? And epic Frenchy laugh dude!!! over a year ago
BeB said …
HAPPY 235th Birthday to America/Alfred F Jones!!!! <3 aka me XD
Cuz baby your a firework
Show 'em what your worth!
Make 'em go ah ah ah
As 당신 shoot across the sky, sky sky! 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB said …
I'm going to start saying how many we have each time it changes and I bother to check (how many 팬 we have on here) 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
Right now 130.,.. over a year ago
BeB commented…
X3 175 over a year ago
BeB commented…
176 over a year ago
BeB said …
omg we have hit 103!!!!! <33 GO USUK! All 당신 팬 rock sooo hard!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
LOL 2 더 많이 팬 just joined- 105! How awesome?? over a year ago
Seera_chan123 commented…
107 now :3 over a year ago
BeB commented…
130..... over a year ago
BeB said …
btw anyone like the new icon?? :3 게시됨 over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Tis cute :P Very cute XD over a year ago
BeB commented…
x3 thaaaaaaaank you! over a year ago
DmitryVladimir commented…
Aw no problem :3 over a year ago
BeB commented…
<3 over a year ago
BeB said …
Sweeeeeeeet! In the catagory of 헤타리아 shipping clubs here on FP we come in 1st!

2nd is Spamano currently with 74 팬 (link) and then

3rd/last is GerIta currently with 53 fans! (link)

And then the other UsUk club ( link ) is basically just as awesome! I say add both of clubs 팬 together, so 36 from them then 87 here! 당신 do the math- GO USUK! <3 게시됨 over a year ago
ryans_love said …
They are my main OTP, and I 사랑 them like crazy! Thanks for putting together a page for them :) 게시됨 over a year ago
BeB commented…
LOL no prob! Same here! I looove UsUk!!! <3 I wanna get all their awesomeness together if I can! over a year ago
BeB said …

Thats a link to a really sweet bromance story of America and England, for those of 당신 who don't like slash- this is colony America :3
~B 게시됨 over a year ago
EmChAn commented…
awesome !!!! thnx 4 sharing :) over a year ago
safire302 said …
BeB commented…
<3 happy late v-day!!! XD USUK! over a year ago
BeB said …
~B 게시됨 over a year ago
B13 said …
UsUk forever!!!
게시됨 over a year ago