Hermione Vs Bella
Hermione Vs Bella Wall
Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 46

said …
Did any of 당신 hear of the Hermione Granger Effect? Apparently, young girls have stopped drinking and taking drugs since Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was released, and they have been becoming 더 많이 studious. I grew up with Harry Potter, and Hermione taught me that I am strong, that if I tried hard that I can be great! And believe me, I needed that! She backed up for her 프렌즈 and stood 의해 them! She's an independent girl who helps people. Bella went into a coma when Edward left her.
게시됨 over a year ago


said …
We all know Hermione is better :) she has 더 많이 facial expressions than Bella does
게시됨 over a year ago


said …
It's plain and simple; Bella sucks! She is annoying , dependent, selfish, and weak. She sends the message to thousands of girls everywhere that it's ok to fall apart when your boyfriend leaves; it doesn't matter that 당신 were 'his personal brand of heroin'. Just always make sure 당신 have an unstable young werewolf friend (who is in 사랑 with you) to fall back on. Leading him on then watching him fall should be fun, right?
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Bella 백조 is a selfish, manipulative, boring, evil, male dependent, *beep*. What she has for her guy is lust.
She is not loyal to anyone. She had to wait until she became a vampire to be a *Hero*.
Avada Kedavra, she'dead.
Hermione forever, Bella sucks and every clever girls and boys knows this.
Bella is nothing but a plain book of good ness and teaches us nothing good. 게시됨 over a year ago
She is not loyal to anyone. She had to wait until she became a vampire to be a *Hero*.
Avada Kedavra, she'dead.
Hermione forever, Bella sucks and every clever girls and boys knows this.
Bella is nothing but a plain book of good ness and teaches us nothing good. 게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Bella taught me to be brave.She risked everything she had including her own life to save her family.She cared about her unborn and almost died giving birth.She put everyone's happiness before her own.
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Hermione is the best role model for girls.
This is the ultimate truth and the reality.
게시됨 over a year ago
This is the ultimate truth and the reality.
게시됨 over a year ago




said …
hermione granger will always win 1 because she has a wand and nows dangerous spells that can kill 당신 2 she has a lot of ideas and ways to kill u and 3 she knows the 3 killing curses that can never ever be blocked
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Hi!! 가입하기 my new club and help me make my club better !!! Here is link link
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
When the 사랑 of Hermiones life left her, she continued to help Harry find the horcruxes and win the war.
When the 사랑 of Bella's life left her, she jumped off of a cliff.
Hermione is brave, clever, and beautiful,
Bella is an expressionless Mary-sue
I think I have made my point 게시됨 over a year ago
When the 사랑 of Bella's life left her, she jumped off of a cliff.
Hermione is brave, clever, and beautiful,
Bella is an expressionless Mary-sue
I think I have made my point 게시됨 over a year ago

said …
i am on both sides hermione is clever and 메리다와 마법의 숲 while bella can't stand to be away with her boyfriend
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Emma spends 더 많이 time working on her acting. Kristen poses with ribbons and flowers. Hermione forever.
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
hermione rocks!
its an easy win for her!
i really don't see anything inspiring from bella 게시됨 over a year ago
its an easy win for her!
i really don't see anything inspiring from bella 게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Hermione is smarter, wittier, prettier, kinder, loyal, and is just freaking AWESOME.
bella is one word. fail 게시됨 over a year ago
bella is one word. fail 게시됨 over a year ago


said …
I 사랑 Hermione! she's the best wizard ever!!! i 사랑 the ending 4 HP & the DH pt. 2. SPOILER:19 yrs later after the battle, RON AND HERMIONE GET MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS!!!!
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
plus on the 상단, 맨 위로 of this place it says 'witch vs. vampire' and Bella is not a vampire! even if she does turn into one at some point, she would be a meyerpire not a vampire, there is a big diffrence. meyerpires are stupid, but i like real 뱀파이어
게시됨 over a year ago



said …
I see no point in even comparing Bella 백조 to Hermione Granger because Hermione is smart, pretty, nice, falls for normal people not Meyerpires and shape shifters, she is the complete opposite Bella
게시됨 over a year ago



said …
hermionie all the way!!!clearley the girl has 더 많이 sense then bella and shes younger!when hermionies 사랑 (ron) left,hermionie kept on looking for the horcruxes!!and what did bella do when edward left?she got into the fetal position,became 이모 for the 다음 6 months 또는 so and jumped off a friggen cliff!!!so as 당신 can see...hermionie is and always will be better!!!
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Bella = okay, and knows how to say what she's thinking, but generally a wimp.
Hermione = EPICALLY EPIC. I will always 사랑 Hermy 더 많이 <3 게시됨 over a year ago
Hermione = EPICALLY EPIC. I will always 사랑 Hermy 더 많이 <3 게시됨 over a year ago

said …
If 당신 like Harry Potter, OMG, I hate it! All my family talks about it! I hate too much fighting. I 사랑 Romantic movies. Harry Potter is not ROMANTIC!
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Im actually a Really Big Twilight 팬 , But--Hermoine Kicks Ass.And The Harry Potter 영화 <3
게시됨 over a year ago


said …
Hermione's cool,sweet,and smart!Bella's monotone,not attractive,and is a whiner.And Hermione didn't cry and wait like 2months for Ron to come back like Bella did.
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
Hermione all the way. Hermione did NOT go numb and jump off a cliff when Ron left Her and Harry.
게시됨 over a year ago

said …
I like Hermione 더 많이 then Bella. . . Bella is just pathetic to me... I used to 사랑 Twilight, and I dont have a problem with it, but all the characters are mary-sues. Hermione actually has flaws. Bella doesnt have any flaws! She was a klutz, but when she became a vampire, she wasnt any more! I havent seen so much mary-sues in a book in till Twilight! The idea was actually alright, but the characters didnt cut it for me.
게시됨 over a year ago



said …
Hermoine is the best... No question...
And of course, 로미온느 is better than Edward/Bella! 게시됨 over a year ago
And of course, 로미온느 is better than Edward/Bella! 게시됨 over a year ago


