H.E.I.S.T. Club
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posted by SilverWings13
Hero ID: Thirteen

Alter ego: Aleksander Felis

Age: 14

Appearance: 5'8", golden-blonde hair, 에메랄드 green eyes, a scar on the under-side of his jaw

Hero Uniform: similar to Rocket's, but green primary and black secondary instead of purple primary and brown secondary.

Civvies: dark green coat, button up shirt, kakis, tennies

Personality: very easy going, sensitive toward others, a bit protective over SilverWings (his partner and "sister"), relaxed, quick thinker.

Skills: speaks English and Russian, martial arts, gun handling, staff handling (I'm sure there's proper terminology for it. Don't know...
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posted by SilverWings13
This is a copy-paste of the rules I have in the 포럼 in th YJ OC club. I just like to have my stuffs accessible. If 당신 have already read this, close the tab and go do something less boring. If 당신 haven't read it, then read (that's me, Ms. Logically Obvious). It's just 4 rules that will help things go a little smoother in this here club:

1: NO FIGHTING (ON THE WALL). Like OC wise, knock yourself out. But if 당신 have an issue with someone, talk to them on their 벽 또는 through a message 또는 something. I know we're human beings, and also teenagers, so of course we are going to disagree on some...
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posted by AislingYJ
Name: Aisling Carter
Hero name: Dimension
Age: 15
Appearance: about 5’8” 또는 5’9”, solid build, short wavy dark brown hair that she always wears in a ponytail, blue-green eyes, freckles, pale skin
Civvies: purple hoodie sweatshirt, baggy black sweatpants, black vans
Costume: see below
Powers: flight, strength, and her main power is that she can gauge measurements such as distance, speed, time, etc.
Skills: martial arts/hand-to-hand combat, sometimes uses knives, her gauging power gives her an amazing sense of direction, and she can create an accurate mental map of any place she’s been before....
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posted by MercyYJ
Name: Bella Harmony Watson

Hero Name: Mercy/ Nova

Powers: Controlling and creating 불, 화재 and heat

Skills: Extremely good sharpshooter when pissed off, good fighter, able to predict all your moves based off of just looking at you, has a mind like Sherlock Holmes

Age: 16

Appearance: 주황색, 오렌지 hair, blue eyes, freckles, around 5'7"

Personality: Around the team; lighthearted, random, kind. Not around the team; down-to-earth, not afraid to speak her mind, kind.

Hero Costume: **Refer to picture

Civies: red and white striped tank-top, black skirt, red sandals, decoder necklace

Past: **NEW AND UPDATED! Not like...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Okay! Because I'm the first one to post my bio, I'll just post a lot of pictures with it. Also, this is the first time ever I've 게시됨 Fin's full bio, so use her secrets ~wisely~
(For those who can't tell, I 사랑 the little ~squigglies~ very much!)

Name: Kyra Marion Grayson (unknown to most)
Alias: Infinity. Prefers Fin as a nickname, but will answer to Fin-Fin and Finny.
Age: 13

Normal-- long, black hair, going down a little past her waist. When she’s in civvies she ‘shortens’ it to about mid-back. Her bangs cover the left side of her face. blue eyes, always covered 의해 either...
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