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is frodo a dynamic 또는 static character
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
When will Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them premier?
아직 이 질문에 아무도 답변하지 않았습니다
Are there any hufflepuff/slytherin couples 또는 best friend relationships that we know of? 또는 even fanon. There are a lot of sources that say once they meet and trust one another, they're perfect and practically inseparable. Just trying to see if there
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Anyone interested in helping a budding author?
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
are there any 아니메 drawing for twilight and Harry Potter that 당신 like?
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
If either series had a spin off movie that focused on one character other than the main characters which character would 당신 want it to be about?
13 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Dumbledore has spoken.
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
the truth is....
5 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Identify the Harry Potter & Twilight movie to win prop's!!! (Only first 2 correct 답변 though)
6 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
how do dead people aka 뱀파이어 get an erection ?
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What would your reaction be if 당신 saw Bellatrix Lestrange shoot Avada Kedavra at Bella Swan?
15 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Is it OK for me to write insults about Twilight while 읽기 it for a friend's sake?
5 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What do 당신 think of this?
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Should I read Twilight?
27 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Can anyone make sense of this meme?
14 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
For bella haters-what things 당신 like in bella swan/cullen???
10 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Why do 당신 like HP 더 많이 than Twilight?
9 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Why do 당신 prefer Twilight to HP?
3 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
How did the weasley twins have the marauder's Map for so long & never 질문 why ron was sleeping with a man named Peter every night?
9 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
which character from harry potter 당신 사랑 most??
Answer: Snape always :)
Do 당신 think most of the twilight and harry potter clubs here are dying ???
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Do 당신 like Draco malfoy 더 많이 than harry potter ??? explain why????
7 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
[For haters] why do 당신 hate twilight?????
11 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
If we threw a Twilight vs Harry Potter party, what kind of snaks and games would 당신 bring?
3 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Does anyone have a link to the Harry Potter prequel and the Emmet story?
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Does anyone here like both these series?
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
A lot of people like to point out that Harry Potter grossed 더 많이 than Twilight movies, but don't these factors play a huge part in that?
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Was Lupin gay?
11 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Who made this club?
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Hunger Games 또는 Harry Potter?! Help I can't decide! Both are completely brilliant series!
5 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Anybody here are 팬 of Sirius Black? In the Sirius Black spot I have created a Sirius Black & Harry Potter 사진 contest, please 가입하기 if you're interested!
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
I need reasons for why Harry Potter is better than Twilight urgently! For a speech!
10 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
How is it that 당신 came to know and read Twilight 또는 Harry Potter series?
19 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
which one?
7 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What would have happened if Neville had used a normal sword to chop Nagini's head off?
5 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
International Harry Potter 일 was just an April Fool's 일 joke, right?
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Is there a range at which spells can be cast?
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OMG. Do 당신 realize...?
15 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Can 당신 make a list of who 당신 think the most important characters are?
7 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
pls guys 신고 this!!!
5 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
i really want to ask!!!
7 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Do the Twilight series titles mean anything related tot he story?
Answer: Yes. Stephenie explicitly talks about three of the...
are 당신 really sick of twilight vs hp battle???
6 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Which form of torture is stronger; Jane's power 또는 Bellatrix's Cruciatus Curse? And how long do 당신 think they can endure each other's power? Who will last longer?
5 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Is there anybody in Twilight that died?
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
can 당신 imagine fight between bellatrix and jane???
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Cullens against Gryffindor house in a game of Quidditch! Lol! Who will win? Who will be hit 의해 a bludger?
8 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
If the Volturi teamed up with the Deatheaters and Voldemort and raged battle against Dumbledore and the Order which has also teamed up with the Cullens (includes Bella as a vampire) which side will win?
10 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Why are SOME Twilight 팬 so aggressive about Harry Potter, even going as far as to pick holes out of JK Rowling?
6 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What does the Arizona joke mean?
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Are we really doing this AGAIN???
Answer: I have no idea what you're talking about so enjoy t...
don't 당신 think???
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
i got one point........
10 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
why HP fans........
12 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Can 당신 imagine bella 백조 against Bellatrix in fight?
Answer: On a one to one face off, as a vampire Bella would...
why HP 팬 are so rude about twilight fans???
12 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Can u read hp online
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
r u sick of the fighting tht goes around here
5 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Why do some people take things 더 많이 siriusly than others?
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Dosen't Adventure Time have a better vampire then Twilight?
3 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What's the most crackiest pairing you've heard of among twilight and Harry Potter?
7 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What would be some things that could improve each respective series? (In a comedic way.)
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Harry Potter fans, have 당신 read and/or watched the Twilight Saga? And vice versa for Twilight fans.
25 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What are your proper reasons for disliking/ not preferring Harry Potter/Twilight over Harry Potter/ Twilight (for those who choose sides)
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Do 당신 think the Twilight Stars's personal life played a key-role in the movie's so-called success?
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Do 당신 think the Harry Potter series could have been written better?
16 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Do 당신 think the twilight series could have been written better?
11 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Are 당신 being legitimately serious when 당신 say the Twilight 뱀파이어 are fairies?
8 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Did the Twilight 영화 ever help 당신 discover new bands? And which Twilight soundtracks had 당신 known about before they were on a soundtrack?
10 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
List your 상단, 맨 위로 10 가장 좋아하는 Harry Potter and Twilight characters, in order from 1st 가장 좋아하는 to 10th favorite.
18 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
isn't it stupid to compare bella and hermione????
Answer: it's never stupid to compare anyone to anyone else....
Is Bella 백조 메리다와 마법의 숲 또는 a coward?
14 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
How many times do 당신 think a person needs to read Harry Potter before they can completely understand it?
7 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
WHY do Harry Potter 팬 not want a time capsule?
5 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What's your 가장 좋아하는 picture making fun of Harry Potter and your 가장 좋아하는 picture making fun of Twilight?
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
do u agree with this video..............
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What was your least 가장 좋아하는 book to movie inconsistancy?
8 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
In Sorcerers Stone, how did the Dursleys get back 집 after Harry and Hagrid left?
3 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
do u................
15 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What's your LEAST fave HP/TW Crossover pairing?
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Can 당신 name any mistakes in Harry Potter 또는 Twilight?
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Did any Harry Potter characters go to college?
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Did Harry go to college?
2 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
DO u want a movie having both twilight and hp casts??????
14 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Who's a better couple?
12 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
what will u do??????????
4 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What is Robert and Kristen's dog's name, and who's dog is it really?
1 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
which one will 당신 prefer between Edward & Harry???
11 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What do 당신 think about Breaking Dawn part 1 not getting ANY nominations for the PCAs and Deathly Hallows part 2 getting a lot?
12 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What kind of arguments annoy 당신 the most?
7 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Why do some Twilight 팬 hate Harry Potter so much?
8 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What are some things in Harry potter and Twilight that 당신 laughed at that wasn't meant to be funny?
16 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
is it ok to like harry potter and twilight both as much as each other
8 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Who else finds it annoying when Harry Potter 팬 and Twilight 팬 cant get along??
8 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
just for fun HP and Twilight 팬 complete the sentence. 'When I see Edward Cullen on TV I wanna........'
21 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Guy who do 당신 want? and girls who do 당신 want to be? A pretty girl like Bella 또는 a smart girl like Hermione?
17 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
If there was ever a crossover with Harry Potter and Twilight, what would 당신 like the 제목 of the book to be?
9 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
How far is too far, when you're being anti Twilight 또는 Harry Potter?
13 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Why does Kristen Stewart keep getting casted for all these movies?
21 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
Why is Harry Potter 더 많이 successful than Twilight?
23 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
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Edward vs Harry
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Bellatrix Lestrange vs. Bella 백조
Robert Pattinson vs Ed Westwick
Fleur Delacour Vs. Rosalie Hale
Voldemort vs Aro
Molly Weasley vs Esme Cullen
Ginger Hippies with Lightsabers
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