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added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: NextMovie.com
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: NextMovie.com
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: NextMovie.com
posted by harrypotterbest
Dolores Jane Umbridge… can ANYONE forgive her? And yet, despite being so horrendously evil, she is a very interesting character.
She is very loyal, because we know how she remained on Fudge’s side through the whole dilemma. She is also very easy to hate, for she gave Harry countless detentions for telling the truth. We know very little about Dolores; surely Rowling knows more. She has always planned her characters to the death – one reason why Harry Potter makes a very interesting read.
Back on the topic of Umbridge, we have to accept that she could have had a childhood like Snape –...
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added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: NextMovie.com
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
First part

She gestured to a row of wooden
chairs against the wall. The looked like they belonged with someone’s dinning room
“Okay,” I agreed. I walked over to the chairs and sat right in the middle,
suddenly wishing I had a book. I hadn’t read anything for a while, outside of school.
And even then, when some ridiculous 사랑 story was part of the curriculum, I would
cheat with cliff notes. It was a relief to be working on Animal Farm now. But there had
to be other 안전한, 안전 books. Political thrillers. Murder mysteries. Grisly murders were no
problem; just as long as there was no starry-eyed,...
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ok pple tell me REALLY what u think
i'm a MAJOR harry potter 팬 and i read all the booksmore than 5 times in english and in french and watched all the movies... i swear like 더 많이 than a HUNDRED times... exept one book ....
i was in 사랑 with HP 4 really long and the idea of it to end and the fact that 프레드 and 더 많이 characters that i 사랑 will die KILLED ME!!! i 사랑 sirius SOOOOOOO much.. and 프레드 2 and when dumbledore and sirius died i was DEVISTADED!!! i couldn't stop crying for a 월 for both of them!!!!
and when the last book was published i bought it in both languages the first 일 (btw...
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엠마 왓슨
보니 라이트
evanna lynch
해리 포터
팬 video
A hilarious rap battle between Edward and James! Who do 당신 think won? :P
에드워드 컬렌
해리 포터
팬 video
rascal flatts
added by jodarchy
added by KateKicksAss
added by KateKicksAss
Source: The Internet
Before I begin, I’d like to set one thing straight: I’m not against Twilight fans. I respect 당신 and your opinions. I just have different ones. These reasons are opinion and fact mixed together. Please don't disrespect me for my opinions. Also, warning: This will be long.

After completely the Harry Potter series, I looked for the 다음 “big thing.” Being in middle school, the 다음 “big thing” was the Twilight Saga. Sure, why not. I read them through once. I didn’t 사랑 it. I didn’t hate it. It was just another book. I never laughed, 또는 cried. It never pulled any emotion out of...
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posted by DivyaHarry
The Cullens are weird. Not in a vampiric sense but in common sense. They are trying to stay camouflaged but they keep failing. Lets review, shall we?

1. They go to high school over and over again. They try to blend in with the other non-sparkly, non-Adonis(y), non-vampiry and nonsensical humans. Aside from this, they pout in the cafeteria during lunch hour. Why? They could just eat their lunch elsewhere. They don't eat, so it's unlikely that no one has noticed them not eating.

2. High school is a crowded place. People keep bumping into each other at some point. Let's say the Cullens are very...
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posted by NataliaLidia
i persenally dont like ether series and heres why!!!

1) i am a reel vampire and i do not sparkl!!! stephanie shud have 암갈색, 암 갈색 her reasearch before she wrote a book about vampires!!!
2) bella is a bad roll model!!!
4) edwerd is abusiv!!!
5) its unrealistic!!!
6) its badly writen!!!
7) edwerd is describd to much!!! it gets boring!!!
8) its boring overall!!!

harry potter
1) its not relatble!!!
2) its made for kids!!!
3)harry always beets te bad guy!!! he never looses!!!
4) harry gets away wit everything in skool!!!
5) they hav bad frends!!! ron leaves nd dosnt stay wit harry when peeps make fun of him!!!
6) its boring!!!
7) snape keeps his job even tho he bullys students nd is a deth eater!!!
8) dumbledoor doesnt reely care about harry!!! he leaves him at da durslys even tho they are abusiv!!!

both 영화 hav bad actors nd the filmers didnt follows the boks the way they were suposed to!!!