Harry Potter 팬 Updates

a comment was made to the fan art: 마법에 걸린 사랑 Hermione over a year ago by Kitkatcait9970
fan art 추가되었습니다: Emma Watson over a year ago by serpentsforever
a wallpaper 추가되었습니다: 헤르미온느 그레인저 over a year ago by serpentsforever
a question 추가되었습니다: Who do you pick spongebob or patrick star over a year ago by BigShot_xxx
an answer was added to this question: Is the Mirror of Erised in more than one Harry Potter Movie? Does Severus Snape see Lily Potter in the mirror and what movie of the series is it? Is it in a special extended cut? over a year ago by anuaar8907
a comment was made to the poll: Are 당신 Male 또는 Female? over a year ago by hptwlighthgfan
a comment was made to the poll: Have we got any True Blood 팬 here? over a year ago by hptwlighthgfan
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 have a Yahoo! 답변 account? over a year ago by hptwlighthgfan
a comment was made to the poll: Are 당신 a Twihard? over a year ago by hptwlighthgfan
a comment was made to the poll: Slytherin 또는 Gryffindor? over a year ago by hptwlighthgfan
a comment was made to the poll: 가장 좋아하는 Couple (not in the book) over a year ago by JennaAdelaide
a comment was made to the poll: Hufflepuff 또는 Ravenclaw? over a year ago by LunaNotLoony
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: Who does Ron ask out to the ball? over a year ago by kiginger
a comment was made to the answer: this might be a little weird but i would so chose draco malfoy! he is so kiniving it's kinda funny but i could out smartr him any day. over a year ago by GaiaBVGSR
a comment was made to the photo: hp over a year ago by Rhi_Rhix
a photo 추가되었습니다: hp over a year ago by sini12
a comment was made to the answer: this might be a little weird but i would so chose draco malfoy! he is so kiniving it's kinda funny but i could out smartr him any day. over a year ago by 02katy19
a comment was made to the answer: this might be a little weird but i would so chose draco malfoy! he is so kiniving it's kinda funny but i could out smartr him any day. over a year ago by Dancin4evah
a comment was made to the fan art: Tom Felton-Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Drawing over a year ago by ncis123
a comment was made to the fan art: James & Oliver-Fred & George Weasley-Harry Potter over a year ago by ncis123
a comment was made to the fan art: Banner over a year ago by ncis123
a comment was made to the fan art: Banner over a year ago by ncis123
a comment was made to the fan art: 사랑 hurts! over a year ago by ncis123
a comment was made to the poll: What do 당신 think of illegal movie downloads over the internet? over a year ago by rebecaleia
a comment was made to the poll: Best form of potatoes? over a year ago by rebecaleia
a comment was made to the poll: What is your 가장 좋아하는 color? over a year ago by rebecaleia
a comment was made to the poll: Which one of these musicians/bands do 당신 like? (I like all of them) over a year ago by rebecaleia
a comment was made to the poll: Where are 당신 from? over a year ago by rebecaleia
a comment was made to the poll: Were 당신 a 팬 of another '___fans' spot? over a year ago by rebecaleia
a comment was made to the poll: What continent are 당신 located in at the moment? over a year ago by rebecaleia
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How old was Harry when he first started in hogwarts ? over a year ago by Candid_Hubert
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 have a medal in the Harry Potter spot? over a year ago by Candid_Hubert
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: Which dragon did Harry choose to fight? over a year ago by Candid_Hubert
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 want to act Hermione Granger(girls)or Harry Potter(boys)? over a year ago by MissHermione
a poll 추가되었습니다: Do 당신 want to act Hermione Granger(girls)or Harry Potter(boys)? over a year ago by MissHermione
a comment was made to the poll: Have 당신 ever tried horseback riding? over a year ago by MissHermione
a comment was made to the poll: Are 당신 Left-handed 또는 Right-handed? over a year ago by MissHermione
a comment was made to the poll: Which would work better? over a year ago by MissHermione
a comment was made to the poll: who is 더 많이 awesome over a year ago by MissHermione
a comment was made to the poll: For girls: Do which type do 당신 prefer? over a year ago by Epetrus
an answer was added to this question: If you could date ONE Harry Potter character, who would it be? Mine would be Fred. over a year ago by 02katy19
a question 추가되었습니다: Is the Mirror of Erised in more than one Harry Potter Movie? Does Severus Snape see Lily Potter in the mirror and what movie of the series is it? Is it in a special extended cut? over a year ago by snapelily2
an answer was added to this question: How did you start your journey in the HP world-how old were you when you read the first book?Did you become a fan right away? over a year ago by LadyEmzy16
an answer was added to this question: How did you start your journey in the HP world-how old were you when you read the first book?Did you become a fan right away? over a year ago by lovecody143
a poll 추가되었습니다: who is 더 많이 awesome over a year ago by meandhermione
a pop quiz question 추가되었습니다: who is an unredgistard animagus over a year ago by meandhermione
an answer was added to this question: If you could date ONE Harry Potter character, who would it be? Mine would be Fred. over a year ago by Hermione12353
a comment was made to the poll: What spell is better? over a year ago by Cailyn192
an answer was added to this question: If you could date ONE Harry Potter character, who would it be? Mine would be Fred. over a year ago by zar_far11
a comment was made to the poll: Are 당신 a deviant? (deviantart.com) over a year ago by Lorreflorre