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posted by AaronHaley4ever
 Like its male lead, A 겨울왕국 심장 is not what it appears.
Like its male lead, A Frozen Heart is not what it appears.
When A 겨울왕국 Heart was announced nearly a 년 ago, Frozen 팬 were promised a fresh take on familiar story of Hans and Anna that “delves into the couple’s failed romance, exploring their backstories, motivations, and ultimate separation” , and did author Elizabeth Rudnick deliver? An Anna 팬 또는 a 팬 of the movie Frozen in general would probably say yes, but as a Hans 팬 who, like so many others, believed this book would finally give him some sort of redemption, I must say no. The story starts off very promising but soon devolves into the same bias and hypocrisy I’ve come to expect...
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사랑 is an Open Door (La mia occasione)

Anna: Ecco, vorrei…
…posso dire una follia?
Hans: Amo le follie!

Anna: Ho sperato molte volte in qualcosa per me,
come un fulmine sei comparso tu.
Hans: È la stessa cosa che penso io. Perché…
…non avevo mai trovato un posto finché…
…all’improvviso una speranza, qualcosa di più.

Anna: Ma se noi…
Hans: Ma se noi…
Anna e Hans: …stiamo insieme…
Anna: …mi sento bene…
Anna e Hans: ….ed è facile adesso che io so,
che occasione ho…
che occasione ho…
che occasione ho
Anna: con te
Hans: con te
Anna: con te
Hans: con te!
Anna e Hans: Che occasione...
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posted by AaronHaley4ever
1. Your 팬팝 아이디 is something Hans-related
2. Your icon, wallpaper, 또는 cellphone background is something Hans-related (bonus points if they all are!)
3. Your ringtone is 사랑 Is an Open Door
4. 당신 never found red-haired green-eyed guys attractive until 당신 saw Hans
5. 당신 saw 겨울왕국 multiple times in theaters just so 당신 could see Hans again
6. You've started wearing a lot 더 많이 blue and magenta since 당신 saw Hans
7. 당신 have a Hans poster hanging up in your house (bonus points for 더 많이 than 1 and major bonus points if this poster is signed 의해 Santino Fontana)
8. 당신 have a Hans doll
9. You...
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Anna: Okay, can I just, say something crazy?
Hans: I 사랑 crazy!

All my life has been a series of doors in my face
And then suddenly I bump into you

Hans: I was thinking the same thing! ‘cuz like

I’ve been searching my whole life to find my own place
And maybe it’s the party talkin’ 또는 the 초콜릿 fondue

But with 당신 (but with you)

I’ve got my place (I see your face)

And it’s nothing like I’ve ever known before
Love is an open door
Love is an open door
Love is an open door
With 당신 (with you)
With 당신 (with you)
Love is an open door

I mean it’s crazy (what?!)...
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Hans: Other people walk through life where 당신 prefer to skip
And other people watch their step where you'll most likely trip

Sure, your hair's not perfect,
And there'sーwhat's that on your clothes?
Yeah, you're kinda talkative
With freckles on your nose.

But you're you...you-you,
And that's what makes me smile.
You're you...you-you
So stay that way awhile.

Anna: Oh, Hans... I-

Hans: 당신 don't have to say a thing, I know the way 당신 feel.
Your face is like an open book; so honest true and real.

Other people lie and cheat,
One push may come to shove.
Your 심장 doesn't work like that,
So you're the girl I love.

You're you...you-you,
That's how I hope 당신 stay.
You're you...you-you.
But anyway, that's all I've got to say.
posted by Snowstorm1743
My point of view of Hans' point of view after the movie of him in the cell on the ship:

WARNING: this is sad.

Anna hates me. I know it. I also know I ruined my whole chances with her. I'm such a fool. Everybody hates me. I think I finally realize that now, to.
What'll my dad think? What'll my brothers think? Will I be cast out? Will I be put in prison for the rest of my life?
I don't care if they do any of those things to me. My ruined chances with Anna have left me turned to ashes; there's nothing left to burn.
I'm never going to 사랑 another person. And I'll find a way to at least see her face again.
But I'm such a fool...