Green Lantern Who's your 가장 좋아하는 Green Lantern actor?

Pick one:
Gerald Mohr (The Superman/ Aquaman Hour)
Gerald Mohr (The Superman/Aquaman Hour)
Michael Rye (Super Friends)
Michael Rye (Super Friends)
Charlie Callas (Legends of the Superheroes)
Charlie Callas (Legends of the Superheroes)
Phil LaMarr (Justice League animated show)
Phil LaMarr (Justice League animated show)
Nathan Fillion (animated films)
Nathan Fillion (animated films)
Ryan Reynolds (2011 Green Lantern film)
Ryan Reynolds (2011 Green Lantern film)
Josh Keaton (Green Lantern: The Animated Series)
Josh Keaton (Green Lantern: The Animated Series)
 mrcodegeass posted over a year ago
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