If 당신 were living your last 일 and 당신 could get Gackt to sing 당신 a song live and in person right beside 당신 what song would it be? and it can only be ONE!!!!!!

Mine would be Le Ciel
 KorIMoriTsuki posted over a year ago
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Gackt 답변

Nuralove said:
Mine wud b last song
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posted over a year ago 
kuroundertaker said:
hoshi no suna
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posted over a year ago 
ShiroiAlice said:
Probably Redemption, because I just 사랑 that song so much ~
Oh and here's a sexy Gackt picture without reason, because Gackt simply does not need a reason to be there :P

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 Probably Redemption, because I just 사랑 that song so much ~ Oh and here's a sexy Gackt picture without reason, because Gackt simply does not need a reason to be there :P
posted over a year ago 
sephiroth1990 said:
It would have to be either Redemption 또는 Longing. But not exactly sure which one to choose :-( I know I'll have him do half of each song and then I will be Happy
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posted over a year ago 
RiKkO1992 said:
Uggghhh...Last Song was so beautiful live...but I'd go with Birdcage, cause it'd be wonderful live...
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posted over a year ago 
DrumsNBassBaby said:
Oblivious ... for obvious reasons.

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 Oblivious ... for obvious reasons.
posted over a year ago 
helena101 said:
I would have him sing I know my 사랑 would never reach you. I 사랑 that song so much and ,although the message is very depressing on it's own,It's very beautiful.
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 I would have him sing I know my 사랑 would never reach you. I 사랑 that song so much and ,although the message is very depressing on it's own,It's very beautiful.
posted over a year ago 
VizKeiLIFE said:
Flower. 당신 are the irreplaceable flower~ that would be lovely to hear wouldn't it?
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posted over a year ago 
Kpopfan12 said:
For me i would be either Solitary 또는 Dears i can't pick D:
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posted over a year ago 
internal_beauty said:
Last song <3!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
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