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added by Ieva0311
added by Gretulee
added by Ieva0311
posted by Amy_wang
A korea 팬 went to gd's mountain 별장, 빌라 with gd's father.
Although gd was not there, he still feel very happy.
We can see some pictures.
Gd's mountain 별장, 빌라 picture is for 당신 .

The information is from QQ zone!
added by Gretulee
added by minjoong501
added by minjoong501
added by TopGirl
added by Ieva0311
added by Gretulee
added by Syarah26
added by Syarah26
added by Syarah26
added by Syarah26
If it will be remove I will change 링그 ^^
added by Lisseth
added by Gretulee