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Source: http://www.facebook.com/FiftyShadesofGreyBook/photos_stream
Reviewed 의해 Lisa Schwarzbaum | Mar 21, 2012

To women wondering which position to assume while enjoying the pornographic runaway best-seller Fifty Shades of Grey, here's what I'd recommend: Sit in a thrumming bus 또는 subway car and read E 엘 James' indefatigable sex story on an e-reader, cradling the instrument with one hand while stroking the touchscreen to turn pages with the other. Odds are, other anonymous readers will surreptitiously be doing the very same thing. And if so, odds are also that each woman is in a state of arousal, amusement, or, at the very least, amazement at the ingenuity...
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added by laurik2007
Source: fiftyshadesofgreydaily.tumblr.com
added by bussykussi
Source: http://pinterest.com
added by bussykussi
Source: http://greyxsteele.tumblr.com/
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added by BonalDea