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added by awas_pirlo
Source: no
added by EverybodyLies
Source: me.
added by Temptasia
Source: Me
added by IsabellaAzuria
added by IsabellaAzuria
Source: IsabellaAzuria
added by Temptasia
Source: me
added by pollyloveshouse
Source: One of my 프렌즈
added by alinazeer
Source: Zainab
added by amazondebs
added by hellgirl223
Source: Me
added by x-missmckena-x
Source: amba mercer royle 사진
added by Temptasia
Source: me
added by DrDevience
Source: Lori Leidig
added by PkmnTrainerJ
Source: PkmnTrainerJ
added by Crazy-Chica
posted by Cinders
The 질문 on all of your minds, I'm sure. Certainly, you're not asking the 질문 "Who the blast is Cinders?!" Because I am awesome and 당신 should know the answer to that already.

I have been consistently Fanpopping in some way shape of form since May 2007 (over five years now) but unfortunately I'm afraid I may have to take a break. I just didn't want to go the way of devoted fanpoppers before me, who were awesome and then dropped off the face of the planet with no notice.

This is no grand goodbye, no trumpeted announcement telling everyone how bored 또는 fed up I've become with Fanpop. I...
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 I'l tell thee what, I'm sick of this!
I'l tell thee what, I'm sick of this!
Anyone notice the severe amount of hate floating round the site lately?

I have. And it sickens me. I've stayed silent in the past. I've tried to treat other users with respect. I've given people the benefit of the doubt.

No more.

The amount of 'hate' spots, anti-fan spots, picks insulting other users- people, need I remind 당신 that this 'Fan'pop. Look it up in the dictionary. F-A-N. 당신 see the word 'anti' 또는 'hate' anywhere? I hate Smurfs, do 당신 see me making an Anti-Smurf spot?
 I dislike Smurfs, but do 당신 see an Anti-Smurf spot anywhere?
I dislike Smurfs, but do 당신 see an Anti-Smurf spot anywhere?

It has recently tried my patience to the limit....
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posted by caintil31
I joined the ranks back in April. I was just a kid then. A noob, is what some would say. Everything was calm at first but after a few months it got rough. When I joined, we had videos, forums, comments, images, links, and soapboxes. Nothing too fancy. But once the picks came in, it was hell. Users swooped in left and right making picks that were 랜덤 and completely off topic. I didn't know what to do. It was happening so fast. I got scared so I ran. I was a nobody so no one noticed when I left. I started training so that I could come back and I would be ready.

A few weeks later I was back....
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posted by dazl
 This is me, as I appear today
This is me, as I appear today
Many of my soapboxes focus on me, myself and I. Some of 당신 may not enjoy it. Others may find it repetitive. To you, I say, P*** Off. Its cheaper than therapy.

Todays Soapbox contains a little life story:

Be careful of the way 당신 treat others- it could be harmful.

Let me elaborate...

I work as a volunteer youth leader in a small community. We meet every 2nd Friday in a local GAA (Gaelic Athletics Association)hall. The club runs for any 12-18 년 olds attending secondary school that are living in the surrounding area.

I came up through the ranks of this austere association. I started at 12 as a...
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