Many of 당신 may not agree with me and I don't expect anyone to do so, maybe some of 당신 like a few spots on the one topic and some of 당신 don't, I like 팬팝 just the way it is, the 더 많이 spots, the better.

Monday: Work on the spot I've created.
Tuesday: Contribute to other spots and 가입하기 new ones.
Wednesday: Check my 프로필 and learn 더 많이 about my fans.
Thursday: Go through every video, picture, article, 바탕화면 etc. and save and rate my favorites.
Friday: Find new material to add to all of my 가장 좋아하는 spots.
Saturday: Have one 일 to go all around the whole of fanpop, I may not do anything but I might find something new.
Sunday: Try not to turn the computer on, who am I kidding?
And almost every 일 I must remember to check my mail, it seems like a lot to do but it's fun anyway and if you're anything like me, someone who can stay on the computer for hours at a time? remember to take breaks at least every half an 시간 to avoid headaches. Have Fun.