Jade stared at the chinese 13 년 old demon as if she was insane.
What was she talking about? Polar opposites...?
What on earth did that mean?
"Any way, please excuse my 'brothers' rude and recluse behavior. He tends to be qiet the ignorant one!" She said with that immotion less and creepy face still there. But still, the little girl's face was very bright and charming. One could call her 'beutiful'.
"Alright, seriously Hann, 당신 are starting to piss me off with that cocky attitude uncle gave you!" Drago hissed at her.
Hann-yuu's face twisted slightly into an irritated face.
"Don't ever say that father made me ignorant 또는 cocky. Last time I checked your father is responcible for making 당신 ALMOST destroy the intire world!" She snapped back.
Yikes.... was all Jade could think of. Hann-yuu can be mean. It's shocking to think that the calm and slow going Tso-lan had a daughter who can bight someones head off as visouse as possible.
Drago replied with a role of his eyes and a grunt of irrtation.
"Any ways, we called 당신 up to ask for your help." She said, "Our other uncles and aunts have children too. But we don't know where they are." She said looking down.
"Hann-yuu can only breifly see where and who they are." Dragro commented.
"We know where two of our family are. We want your help to find the rest." Drago added.
"Why should I?" Jade said with a cold face, "Prove to me that 당신 deserve a 초 chance." She said.
"If we help free your uncles and friends, will that be proof?" Hann-yuu asked.
Jades eyes turned wide with hope and exitment.
"Are 당신 serious?" She asked, Hann-yuu smiled.
"As a 심장 attack!" She completed.
But Jade was still suspicious. Like I said before, she thought about things 더 많이 than she used to.
"I want 당신 two to know, Uncle taught me a secret of what the 이전 female heir to the family can do."
She then put her midle and pointer finger together and put it agenst her chest.
Then, 7 girls, 5 with half of their faces covered 의해 black masks, appeared.
"The 7 sisters of sin at your servus Milady!" One in a blue dress said.
Drago's eyes turned wide, same with Hann-yuu's.
"You can do that!" Drago commented.
"Yep, these 7 are the infamous: '7 Sisters of Sin'." She said, "Introduce yourself's girls!"
Then the one in the blue mini-dress walked 앞으로 out of the line they formed.
"I'm Dai Kirai of the Hate." She said, which explained the 'H' on her mask.
Then one with deep 담홍색, 핑크 hair stood up, "I'm Fukigen na of the Anger." She said, and she hade an 'A' on her mask.
Then one with gold hair stood up, "I'm Ai of the lust!" She said, she seamed to be 더 많이 spirited than the others were.
Then one with green hair stood, "I'm Paruga of the pride!" She said, like Ai, she was spirited.
Then one with brown skin and blue hair stood, "I'm Integra of the Fraud." She said, she looked like she came out of a pyschotic little girls fantisy. She wore a dress that was light blue and was covered in ribbons. But so far, the other girls looked 더 많이 like a mans fantisy from the way they dressed and looked.
Then two girls stood at the same time, they both had 여우 ears and looked the same, "I'm Saya of the greed!" One said, "And I'm Maya of the Envy!" The other said.
Drago and Hann-yuu looked at each other, hoping the other knows what is happening.
~ To be continued
What was she talking about? Polar opposites...?
What on earth did that mean?
"Any way, please excuse my 'brothers' rude and recluse behavior. He tends to be qiet the ignorant one!" She said with that immotion less and creepy face still there. But still, the little girl's face was very bright and charming. One could call her 'beutiful'.
"Alright, seriously Hann, 당신 are starting to piss me off with that cocky attitude uncle gave you!" Drago hissed at her.
Hann-yuu's face twisted slightly into an irritated face.
"Don't ever say that father made me ignorant 또는 cocky. Last time I checked your father is responcible for making 당신 ALMOST destroy the intire world!" She snapped back.
Yikes.... was all Jade could think of. Hann-yuu can be mean. It's shocking to think that the calm and slow going Tso-lan had a daughter who can bight someones head off as visouse as possible.
Drago replied with a role of his eyes and a grunt of irrtation.
"Any ways, we called 당신 up to ask for your help." She said, "Our other uncles and aunts have children too. But we don't know where they are." She said looking down.
"Hann-yuu can only breifly see where and who they are." Dragro commented.
"We know where two of our family are. We want your help to find the rest." Drago added.
"Why should I?" Jade said with a cold face, "Prove to me that 당신 deserve a 초 chance." She said.
"If we help free your uncles and friends, will that be proof?" Hann-yuu asked.
Jades eyes turned wide with hope and exitment.
"Are 당신 serious?" She asked, Hann-yuu smiled.
"As a 심장 attack!" She completed.
But Jade was still suspicious. Like I said before, she thought about things 더 많이 than she used to.
"I want 당신 two to know, Uncle taught me a secret of what the 이전 female heir to the family can do."
She then put her midle and pointer finger together and put it agenst her chest.
Then, 7 girls, 5 with half of their faces covered 의해 black masks, appeared.
"The 7 sisters of sin at your servus Milady!" One in a blue dress said.
Drago's eyes turned wide, same with Hann-yuu's.
"You can do that!" Drago commented.
"Yep, these 7 are the infamous: '7 Sisters of Sin'." She said, "Introduce yourself's girls!"
Then the one in the blue mini-dress walked 앞으로 out of the line they formed.
"I'm Dai Kirai of the Hate." She said, which explained the 'H' on her mask.
Then one with deep 담홍색, 핑크 hair stood up, "I'm Fukigen na of the Anger." She said, and she hade an 'A' on her mask.
Then one with gold hair stood up, "I'm Ai of the lust!" She said, she seamed to be 더 많이 spirited than the others were.
Then one with green hair stood, "I'm Paruga of the pride!" She said, like Ai, she was spirited.
Then one with brown skin and blue hair stood, "I'm Integra of the Fraud." She said, she looked like she came out of a pyschotic little girls fantisy. She wore a dress that was light blue and was covered in ribbons. But so far, the other girls looked 더 많이 like a mans fantisy from the way they dressed and looked.
Then two girls stood at the same time, they both had 여우 ears and looked the same, "I'm Saya of the greed!" One said, "And I'm Maya of the Envy!" The other said.
Drago and Hann-yuu looked at each other, hoping the other knows what is happening.
~ To be continued

Addie Pierce(Lucy Hale)