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Le couple Natsu et Lucy
Moi je donne mon opinion certaine personne préfère le couple jubia et. Grey mais moi c'est Natsu et Lucy c'est que Hiro mashima essayé de jouer avec ses personnage et que le Nalu sera peut-être officiel mais je n'en sais rien
The Possibility of GraLu
The possibility of GrayLu.
It's been hinted at in the series. It's even been confirmed that Gray had some interest in Lucy.
what about lucy and gray
just inmagine you are a fairy tail character just living with side by side but you noticed that gray only strips by lucy why is that.well gray probaully likes lucy they so cute together i like nalu and graylu there so cute together so whowould win lucy heart natsu or gray
I Ship Gray And Lucy
There SO cute and I like the ship Lucy and Natzu but I Think Gray really likes her , probably the strong silent type. But also Natzu and Lucy would be a really fun couple to watch so. INEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO TP GET ALL ME SHIPPING EMOTIONS OUT -∆- AAAAHHHHHH !!!!!
fairy tail chapter 502 (warning spoiler)
in chapter 502 natsu and lucy gets captered an the tumer in natsu witch was reduce to small its gonna awaken end that's right natsu is end set all that aside guvia survives thx to wendy (^~^) oh yea news flash grey gotta beat end so u know what that means (*0*) natsu and grey gonna battle it out to the death who will win natsu or grey (*_*#)/ this is gonna be interesting don't u think
natsu vs grey
natsu he has abou...
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