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Eric Northman Who works better with Eric?

158 fans picked:
 Phinale posted over a year ago
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deedeeflower picked Pam:
while the picture is quite yummy, bill doesn't care too much for eric.
posted over a year ago.
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CrazyRini picked Pam:
i would work with him if i could!he is sooo hot

posted over a year ago.
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Bella-Donna7 picked Pam:
I agree with deedeeflower. I doubt Bill and Eric would get along very well if they had to work together.
posted over a year ago.
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HAFowler picked Pam:
Though I find the adversarial relationship between Bill and Eric really fun, obviously Pam is a better yes-man and second in command for him.
posted over a year ago.
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akivi73 said:
Where is the option for him to work with me?
posted over a year ago.
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fangtasticM picked Bill:
yum yum Eric Northman, I would work for him anytime
posted over a year ago.
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brucas_naley101 picked Pam:
me! he loves me i swear! he jst doesnt no it yet!
posted over a year ago.
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Whiff picked Pam:
of course Pam..!
posted over a year ago.
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Melisey picked Pam:
Of course.
posted over a year ago.
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BuffyAngel101 picked Bill:
I liked the end of season 4 when Bill and Eric kill Nan. Thought it was good. But I also like Pam and Eric. It's hard to decide because we haven't seen a whole lot of just Eric and Bill working together. Oh and "akivi73" I laughed so hard when I read your post! Oh my gosh! And yeah, I would totally prefer that as well.
posted over a year ago.
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Desara picked Pam:
posted over a year ago.
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Ritaprodz picked Pam:
posted over a year ago.
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_eRICsOOKIE_ picked Pam:
BILL?!?!?!?! OH HELL NO!!!!! they hate each other's GUTS!!!! and since bill is king of louisiana (or used to be or whatever) and eric is duty bound (or was or whatever) to him, things just don't really work out. besides, eric wants sookie, but "she's still bill's" and everything goes down into a shit hole after that.

eric and pam on the other hand have a bond that is unbreakable. they are bound together by blood. she is his progeny, his daughter, his sister, practically family. he is father of her and he would do anything to save her and she would do anything to save him too. they will work together if that's the last thing they do. its touching how well they work.
posted over a year ago.