Its a limitd edition and once they are sold out there wont be any 더 많이 production runs because the final season has been aired already in most countries, so if 당신 want one dont wait 또는 당신 will miss out!
i think h20 is the best tv show in the world! emma is the smart one, rikki is the cool one, cleo is the curious one, and bella is the pretty one! there all great and i wish the show would go on forever! i cant stand that emma had to go and that there could only be 4 mermaids! they should be all friends! i think my 가장 좋아하는 power out of them is the controll one. it is awesome! but all of theres are cool!:) I hate how 샬럿, 샬 롯 became a mermaid! I wish I was a mermaid. I hate the fabric ones. I want a tail with real scales. I bet there like 100$ online! Also there should be a movie about season 4 and then it starts going on with the series. That would be awesome!