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엘리자베스 테일러 질문
where can i find a picture online of Elizabeth as Cleopatra with Simba the lion who starred with her in the movie?
i ask as i knew that my biological father had once been mauled 의해 a lion (non-fatally) - as an adoptee i knew little 더 많이 - then yesterday fed his name and professsion into 'google news' and came across the fact that he had been mauled 의해 Simba - on the Isle of Jersey in 1964 - the web ref is :
i take it that poor Simba probably landed up in the isle of jersey zoo after they finished making Cleopatra?? anyone know what came of Simba after this event ? - p.s. im not that interested re the father LOL.
i take it that poor Simba probably landed up in the isle of jersey zoo after they finished making Cleopatra?? anyone know what came of Simba after this event ? - p.s. im not that interested re the father LOL.
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