Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Club
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posted by zylice
Skyrim Warrior Tips!

Warrior: Strong Fighting Character.

Weapons: War Axes, War Hammers, Axes,Swords,Great Swords, Maces, Battle Axes.

Apparel:Heavy Armour,Gauntlets, Helmets, Boots, Sheilds.

Useful Potions: Fortify Heavy Armour, Poisons, Fortify Block, Fortify Carry Weight, (Restore Stamina, Health for all types of characters).

Useful Enchantments: Fortify Carry Weight, Fortify Block, Fortify Two/One Handed, (Fortify Stamina and Health for all types of characters).

Useful Spells: Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion.

Useful Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Marked For Death, Storm Call, Call Dragon, Call Of Valor, 불, 화재 Breath, Frost Breath, Disarm, Become Ethernal, Dragonrend, Whirlwind Sprint.

더 많이 Tips: Warriors always need stamina potions. 당신 can use bows and magic as a backup. Many warriors live at 'Solitude' and 'Whiterun'. enchant jewellery, weapons and apparel. (Improve weapons and apparel at forges.)
posted by Tawnyjay
First off, I would like to say that I understand if 당신 think Astrid’s a filthy traitor and liar, but please, hear me out.
Astrid is a strong character in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. She’s a bit creepy and mysterious, but I think she’s honestly 더 많이 of a victim than anything.
Astrid tells 당신 in the game that she killed her uncle, and liked it. She is bloodthirsty, but I think there’s 더 많이 to this than what meets the eye.
She was probably abused and hurt 의해 her uncle, and was terrified of him. When she finally got up the courage, she managed to get hold of a weapon and kill him, run...
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