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added by Piyal
added by ThunderJJ
added by sini12
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added by ThunderJJ
added by chocopie249
added by Faizur
added by ThunderJJ
added by ThunderJJ
added by ThunderJJ
added by ThunderJJ
added by ThunderJJ
added by EMILYOSMENT396
added by Piyal
added by NectariaKiritsi
added by Rits10
Source: good
added by adesuhendro
posted by ThunderJJ
 Saki, Gian's niece
Saki, Gian's niece
I 사랑 this episode in which Gian's niece Saki makes an appearance. Saki believes in ancient Asian legends and myths. Just like any other child, Saki too wants to see the 토끼 in the moon that makes 쌀 cakes .
Gian and Saki were sitting near the Windows when it was dark outside. Saki spotted the full moon and instantly was reminded of the old tale. She asked her "uncle Gian" if there really are rabbits in the moon making 쌀 cakes. It's difficult to answer a child's innocent questions. He/she will not be satisfied no matter how much we explain. The only way is to show it to them somehow or...
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