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디즈니 프린세스 Would 당신 want Lea Michele voicing a 디즈니 Princess? (Links to her 노래 in comments)

37 fans picked:
 hatelarxene posted over a year ago
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hatelarxene picked No:
posted over a year ago.
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avatar_tla_fan picked No:
posted over a year ago.
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manu962 picked No:
She is too recognized and modernized her. If she was in her pre-Glee years during her Broadway years then I wouldn't be against it. Her voice is just too modern now. and as much as I respect her talent, it doesn't really appealed to me. I find it weird how people compare her with Idina. I don't think their voices sound anything alike.
posted over a year ago.
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AudreyFreak picked No:
I can't stand her voice. I can appreciate high voices when they sound nice to me and are controlled like Snow's and Kristin Chenowith's but I didn't like what I heard of her's.
posted over a year ago.
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I use too but not anymore.
posted over a year ago.
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ApplesauceDoctr picked No:
She's not a bad singer, but I don't particularly like her singing.
posted over a year ago.
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phalangeregina picked No:
She is not popular in my country.
posted over a year ago.