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디즈니 Animal Sidekicks 질문

Who do 당신 consider to be an animal "sidekick"?

I`ve just joined the club and I wonder who do 당신 consider to be a "sidekick".
Is it just an animal character from a 디즈니 movie who isn`t as major as the main animal character, right?
(Ok, maybe it sounds silly, but I`m just not sure. I`m going to make a pick but I don`t know who exactly is counted as a sidekick.)
 LionaChoco posted over a year ago
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디즈니 Animal Sidekicks 답변

SnowSpirit said:
Yeah, I think that too ^^ Because a sidekick is someone who isn't the main character but isn't a villian 또는 anything, and 당신 know what an animal is, so an "Animal Sidekick" is someone who is an animal but isn't the main character.
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks! But, 의해 the way, we can also make a pick for "evil sidekicks", I guess :)
LionaChoco posted over a year ago
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