Though the ending was dissappointing, the entire show was worth watching. 사랑 how disciplined 덱스터 모건 is, and how methodical his killing process is.
게시됨 over a year ago
덱스터 has become part of my daily routine, I'm on season 7 and while I do not know how it ends yet, I'm a bit worried I smell disappointment in the air!
게시됨 over a year ago
저기요 everybody! My name is Hannah, and I am currently 글쓰기 a research paper on the show Dexter. I would 사랑 if any of 당신 could answer my 질문 listed here... 1. What are your 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 impressions of the show? 2. Have 당신 ever felt that Deb, Rita, and LaGuerta have been over-sexualized? 3. Have 당신 ever felt that there have been any racial issues? 4. What do 당신 think the show is about?
게시됨 over a year ago
Isaak Sirco 팬 will be please to hear 레이 stevenson is getting special mentions in some of the reviews of G.I.Joe retaliation and it's going to 상단, 맨 위로 the box office race for the holiday weekend.Ray is again a murderer but this time with bombs and he's manic.Boom!
게시됨 over a year ago
Fancy a 덱스터 Dvd rack that exactly fits all seasons?? custom made for 덱스터 팬 이메일 if your interested. has blood spatter all over and dexters face on sides. pictures available of a recently painted one.hand made and can include your name 또는 a quote :D
게시됨 over a year ago
That new episode was amazing! I can't wait to see the rest of season 7. My one hope though is that 덱스터 doesn't kill Deb. It'd really be a shame.
게시됨 over a year ago
OMGsh season 7 started off so intense, not going to spoil it for other 팬 out their . One thing i gotta say is that deb is getting closer to finding out the whole truth. Cant wait for the 다음 episode :) !!!!!
게시됨 over a year ago
Hi Every One, Does anyone know how to 삭제 questions? I haven't slept much lately, i rushed alot too so i have made alot of mistakes.
게시됨 over a year ago
Why did it have to end there now ive got to wait for umpteen months To see what goes down.I mean will she click that hes using plastic sheeting the 만, 베이 harbour butcher M.O 또는 will she run off out the church.That ending was awesome but i wont see 덱스터 now for ages.
게시됨 over a year ago
you're not the only one whose going to have problems waiting. as for me, i think she won't run away, i think she'll want to find out what the hell is going on. and then given some time, she'll figure out that he was the butcher, as well as other things.over a year ago
she will be seriousley damaged if the realisation of her 사랑 for 덱스터 wasn't traumatic enough now if she realises he's the 만, 베이 harbour butcher then it's gonna be down 언덕, 힐 for deb 다음 seasonover a year ago
oh god, she's always been emotionally unstable. i'm afraid how crazy she's going to get! she'll probably pull out her gun and go "What the fuck Dex?" Then he'll try and explain, then she'll pull off a string of impressive and odd swear phrases. then she'll calm down a bit, then she'll go crazy again. and yeah, rollercoaster is the best description.over a year ago
I wouls like to know what her reason will be for stopping the hunt for Travis considering hes now dead,but shes not supposed to know thatover a year ago
she probably won't stop the hunt. she'll be obliged to keep it going for another 월 또는 so and then when they don't find him, she'll close the book on it. i mean any other time that Dex took out a baddie without their knowledge, the hunts continued for a time after. she'll just have to pretend that she doesn't know it's already over this time. and thanks ava22k!over a year ago
i thought those were the most perfect words to use in that situation and location. it had a lasting impression on me and probably most of the audience.over a year ago
Just saw this -- Could be as cool as 덱스터 Check out this project on Very cool concept with the actor from Boardwalk Empire on it! It's called "Visitor 13" Let's help get it started! link
게시됨 over a year ago
i gather 당신 haven't been watching the show. well anyways, his wife was murdered and his kids are still around, though they went to live with their grandparents for awhile.over a year ago
Soon be the 25th time to take out the trash 나비 are building in my stomach!I need my weekly dose of 덱스터 pronto!it feels like an eternity all this waiting but im sure its going to be worth the wait.
게시됨 over a year ago
I really liked her too :) I think she just got freaked because she was finally save and could do whatever she wanted. She really just needed a fresh start from everything, when I watched the episode(long time ago) I got the feeling she really did not want to leave she just HAD to. Plus there was rumors going on that Michael C Hall and Julia Still was messing around on set, I dont know if that is true but mabye that had something to do with her departure. :)over a year ago
I know. I hated that Lumen left. But i understand why she did. I don't think she wanted to leave Dexter, but she didn't need to 'kill' anymore and he still did and it would have been hard. I like that she didnt judge him and she would keep his secrets. Maybe she'll come back at the end of the series. I saw an interview with Julia and she said that she personally didnt want her character to leave and found it hard to understand why she would.over a year ago
Soon be season 6 not long now true blood 팬 might recognize a certain somebody from seasons 2&3 whos in about 3 episodes.It feels like waiting for bloody 크리스마스 for 덱스터 to come back and grace our screens to take out the trash!
게시됨 over a year ago
I loved the 만, 베이 harbour butcher angle how he didnt get caught is a miricle!He rids the world of the evil doers and makes the world a better place.
게시됨 over a year ago
I'm really looking 앞으로 to seeing Edward James Olmos & Colin Hanks working together. Their characters look really interesting. Especially Olmos, he's an incredible actor.
게시됨 over a year ago
"I always thought my dark passenger was a need I had to fill. But what if I'm wrong ? Maybe it's not a need, but a calling. After all, I rid the world of evil people. And if they didn't exist, neither would I. Is it possible that I serve a higher purpose ?"
게시됨 over a year ago
y da hell i'm nt getting a medal??????......................i hav given so many 질문 n pics.................still NO MEDAL... guys help me out.......give me some ideas to get da medal......
게시됨 over a year ago
Just saying, when I see comments/posts/questions where I have to try to figure out what the heck they're actually saying, I generally won't rate them 또는 even bother trying to figure out what the person's trying to ask/convey. For 더 많이 info try this article:over a year ago
i know what 당신 mean. I go through like stages of wanting to jump him and then wanting to slap him and then not being able to watch any episodes and then ONLY watching Dexter. I think that's why the show is so good.over a year ago
See the cast of 덱스터 walk the Red Carpet at the SAG Awards
Congratulations to the cast of 덱스터 for their SAG Award Nomination! See the cast and many, many 더 많이 유명인사 from the bleacher seats on the Red Carpet! Bid on this once in a lifetime opportunity in the SAG Awards Auction at link Bidding closes Monday, 1/24/11, so get your bids in fast!
게시됨 over a year ago
팬 and all 팬 all over the world of Jennifer Carpenter listen up! Directed Alexander Poe has directed/wrote a new film starring Jennifer called "Ex-Girlfriends." It's an independent film so he wants to let all 팬 know about the film so it can become 더 많이 aware to all her 팬 and people around the world! So come Jennifer Carpenter fans!! Let's get the word spread about Jen's new film so we can make it popular(:go to to find behind the scenes videos&pictures
게시됨 over a year ago
I know right? My jaw literally dropped when I read they were divorcing. And, in the weirdness of Hollywood, another 2 couples broke up that day. It's like there are periods of time there where stars announce divorces/break-ups:-s:))over a year ago
it sucks. to think they've been working under roles together for years, too. what would be bad is if they end up killing off debra for that very reason, in the upcoming season....over a year ago
I enjoyed the 사랑 making scene with Lumen. Rita is gone and now time for him to 옮기기 on. I didn't care to much for her, extremely boring.
게시됨 over a year ago
I liked Rita. But their relashionship wasn't very.. Intersting. And Rita didn't know the REAL Dexter. Lumen does. Plus, they have an understanding.. That's why I ship them more. <333over a year ago
I agree with both of you. I think it works because Lumen is so different. She and 덱스터 found eachother in a completely different way to 덱스터 and Rita. It moves the show 앞으로 too. Rather than having another season where he's married, we see him find a true partner.over a year ago
@wateringcan: me too. Normally I don't really like her, especially the episodes after Rita died. Now she seemed to be able to connect 더 많이 to Dexter, I enjoyed watching it.
게시됨 over a year ago
덱스터 is the most liberating, detailed, imaginative thing to ever hit the entertainment stream. im not afraid to say that 덱스터 has changed my life, in a very good way. the story line is insane and it makes me feel alive in my imagination the way nothing else ever has. i hope to never see the end of dexter, he is a true super hero.
게시됨 over a year ago
So I recently just finished watching the first four seasons of Dexter, and now i'm re-watching season 1 again. I am officially obsessed with this show!!!
게시됨 over a year ago
and 당신 know what else? I have to keep reminding myself that he kills people, 당신 know, he murders people. Because 당신 get so attatched to him and 당신 don't want him to get hurt 또는 caught. It's crazy.over a year ago
but he only kills people who deserve to die. hes the person that our real world needs so badly. a person to take the law in his own hands, in an extremely helpful way. we're obsessed with 덱스터 because we all know the feeling of wanting to kill those people who hurt others the way they do. 덱스터 is us. in our imaginations.over a year ago