Demyx Club
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Chapter 7 Part 1: Deanxra's Power Demonstration
Remember to give suggestions! I own Deanxra and Square Enix owns kingdom hearts and Organization 13. I used a quote from Kid Icarus: Uprising( I'll tell u which quote at the end) I do not own the Kid Icarus franchise. It belongs to Nintendo. NO 야오이 FANGIRLS ARE ALLOWED TO POST DISGUSTING SUGGESTIONS 또는 PAIRINGS! If want to compliment 또는 give me 조언 on how to improve my 팬 fiction, then 당신 are ALL welcome to do so.

After everyone finished their 음식 and the extra bacon, some of the members were curious to know what kind of powers Deanxra...
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Chapter 8: 11 and 15 talk about 8
Square Enix owns everything except Deanxra.

Axel, Deanxra, Demyx, and Roxas all went to go look for Xion, but she was nowhere to be found.
Axel: Eh, we'll look for her later. Let's go somewhere!
Deanxra: 당신 guys can go. I need some alone time to think.
Roxas: 'Bout what?
Deanxra: I really don't wanna say right now, but wherever 당신 guys go, have fun.
She left to go walk around the 성 without anyone trying to stop her. She remembered when Demyx gave her a tour of the 성 and each room seemed to fit one member's interests 또는 needs. There was one small...
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Chapter#1 Part 2: Deanxra, The Princess of the 무지개, 레인 보우 Apocalypse
(i dont own Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, 또는 The Legend of Zelda series)
Deanxra walked in the Round Room. She came in with her 후드 on, and everyone except Xemnas scooted up to the edge of their seat. She then took off her hood, revealing short, bouncy below-jaw-length brown hair, big beautiful silver eyes, and peaches-and-cream complextion. Everyone was amazed at this young teen beauty that would help aid them on their goal to acheive Kingdom Hearts. Everyone gasp and looked surprised and shocked as if they saw a snow leopard walk...
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added by demyxfangirl
Almost forgot to say this about the last 2 기사 and this one. Everything execpt the character Deanxra belongs to Square Enix

Deanxra looked at Demyx and surprised him. He smiled at her nervously and waved. She giggled at his adorable expression. He then, blushed and thought of all the fun they would have. Roxas was too thinking of all the fun they would have together.
Xemnas: before I end this meeting, i will announce that we will have 3 days off ,so ever-
Axel: WAHOO!!
Demyx: Yeah!
Roxas: Yes!
Xemnas: As i was saying, i will give 당신 three days off, for the sole purpose of 당신 getting to know Deanxra. She has promised to make up all the work for your missions.
Xion: she can collect hearts?
Xemnas: The weapon she wields is the only non-keyblade weapon that can collect hearts. Only Deanxra can wield that sword. If we tried to wield it, it would be impossible to even pick it up. Now, 당신 are all dismissed.

WHEW! ITS FINALLY OVER! stay tuned for chapter 2!
Chapter# 6 Part 1: 부엌, 주방 Duties
Square Enix owns everything except Deanxra.
After nothing but chatting for the 다음 45 분 또는 so, they heard a door open and a pair of footsteps. After checking her watch, she found out it was 7:02. She thought one of the 더 많이 serious members woke up this early since they have the 다음 2 days off and she suspected that the 더 많이 loose, carefree, and lazy members would sleep in.
Deanxra: Hey, it's 7:02. Wanna go get somethin' to eat?
Demyx: Well, I am pretty hungry... Sure. Let's go.
(On the way to the Mess Hall)
Deanxra: Who do 당신 think woke up just about...
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posted by Demyx_Fan
 Look at him!
Look at him!
I just don't get it what so ever. I'ts flat out sad. Everyone at my school thinks Demyx is dumb,retarted,annoying,non-evil,etc. Let me get this staight. Yeah he is one of the most non-violent people in organization 13. SO WHAT!!!??? That's what makes him unique and special. I mean he's so cool and nice that I cried when I killed him in the game. T_T I felt like everyone time I hit him I was kicking a puppy!!! And I wuv puppys!!! Back to the subject. :p Ok then so he fights with water right? SOOO! For him 당신 are supposed to use heros crest cause all the other keyblade 정크 doesn't work against him! Is that what 당신 call weak?! NOOOOO! And he's probably the hottest one in organization 13. *drools* woops! Ok then so anyways if anyone agrees with me and wants to put justice to this fact of people calling Demyx dumb. STEP 앞으로 메리다와 마법의 숲 KNIGHT AND DO YOUR TASK TO SAVE DEMYX FROM BEING HUMILLIATED!
 He;s hot!
He;s hot!
added by Bond_Of_Fury
Source: *Keysha-chan
added by Aimee147
Source: deviantART-BladeAlchemist
added by Aimee147
Source: Kingdom Hearts Wiki
added by Aimee147
Source: deviantART-Shoulder-Devil
Chapter#5: The Whiney Baby
I own nothing except Deanxra.

After a good night's sleep, Deanxra woke up to the sound of music. She woke up, dressed, and looked out the door to the hallway to find Demyx running to the beat of his sitar. She thought he was crazy playing 음악 at what she assumed to be 5 o'clock. After all, there is no sun 또는 an actual REAL moon that rise nor set. But, according to her watch, it was 6:15 a.m.
Deanxra: Why are 당신 playing your sitar this early!?
Demyx: I had a nightmare! An-and THEN i-i went t-t-to GO get s-some water then BAM! It was chasing me! But 음악 makes...
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added by demyxfangirl
added by Aimee147
Source: 구글
added by dragonchick
added by slushy56234
Source: Keysha-chan on deviart :D
added by dragonchick
added by Aimee147
Source: deviantART-Kuranue
added by Aimee147
Source: 구글
added by demyxfangirl