토론 Wall


Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 167

baileyorn said …
Lie expert Yan Limeng graduated with a degree in Lies and achieved a Ph.D. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Conservatives: "I 사랑 the free market"

Amazon, 사과, 애플 and 구글 pulling support for Parler: We're about to do what's called a pro gamer move. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Tbf Americans are pretty experienced at doing coups, it's just a novelty to try it at 집 게시됨 over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
^ over a year ago
Cinders commented…
What is this slander? Americans have never interfered in any elections 또는 funded any coups. On a completely unrelated note, do 당신 know why we call them 바나나 republics? Because I don't... over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
(btw anyone with an internet connection should have a look through this completely 랜덤 wiki page I just came across link) over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
예수님 Christ, this country is fucked. Apparently someone died, got shot in the neck, during this protest. And after GOP and Trump supporters declared that, "at least if Trump loses, we won't riot like the libtards." It's just chilling seeing this on the news. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
2021 off to a good start I see over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
LOL link over a year ago
Ranty-cat commented…
This is just sad.... over a year ago
Cinders said …
Flippity flip, Georgia! 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
WHY. Is there no Crazy Ex-Girlfriend club/spot? WHAT have 당신 guys been doing with your lives? (And if there is one, someone link me please. I'll take a Rachel Bloom club, too, thaaaaaaanks). 게시됨 over a year ago
NightFrog said …
Ooof, this election, am I right? 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
There's 더 많이 cases of COVID-19 in the White House than in all of New Zealand 게시됨 over a year ago
Ranty-cat commented…
New Zealand hasn't had any in the last week except for Kiwi's returning 집 and they go straight from the plane to supervised isolation. They have no community spread at the moment. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Strewth you're right. Can they please share Jacinda?? over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
link over a year ago
zanhar1 said …
This post is going to age poorly when I change my 아이콘 but like; I 사랑 using this 아이콘 on this club because it looks like Azula is furiously screaming all of my shit takes. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Loooool it's perfect over a year ago
ShadowFan100 commented…
Plot twist: Zan is actually Azula, but she somehow wound up in the real world. Now she goes 의해 the name “Zanhar1 on Fanpop. over a year ago
Ranty-cat commented…
당신 are on to something. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Americans are having a 9/11 worth of dead people every three days and y'all okay with that? 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
I can't believe approx. half of intended voters are saying they're gonna vote Trump over a year ago
Ranty-cat commented…
They are gonna make America great again roflmao over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
But yeah "you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into" over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 said …
In fact, many of the known philosophers had other areas of expertise that weren't necessarily highlighted. I have already pointed out one of the known attributes of Aristotle.

Did 당신 know that Plato was also regarded highly as a skilled mathematician? His fascination with geometry led to his understanding and worship of Pythagoras, who created the Theorem - triangles and their angles. 게시됨 over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 said …
Did 당신 know that Aristotle was the first known naturalist, who also created the first rudimentary example of a classification system, where he was actively describing and classifying species. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Did 당신 know in North Korea police execute unarmed people in the 거리 and although there are countless examples of it on video, the population is mostly complicit with this because they are brainwas- oh wait never mind that's a different country 게시됨 over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
^ over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
I will not wear a mask. I will not live in fear. The Bill Gates Fauci deep state is trying to put a chipped vaccine in 당신 while also aersolising the air with chemtrails and 5G radiation bombs. But I will not live in fear. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
- Conspiracy theorists atm over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
Lol, conspiracy theorists are actually kind of interesting in an amusing, yet curious manner. It always makes me wonder why they started believing whatever they believe and what made them start believing it. I guess a lot of the time people get brainwashed 의해 유튜브 videos, 또는 fake articles, about stuff and they just get hooked into it. XD over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
Holy fuck. That was actually an interesting article. Wsn't really expecting a list of known conspiracy theorists. XD over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Among the confirmed speakers at the Republican National Convention 다음 week: the MAGA hat-wearing teenager who smirked in the face of a Native American elder and the St Louis couple who pointed 총 at demonstrators as they walked past their house. Wowee. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Donald Trump Jr really just said "the radical Left has taken over" hahahahaha over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
All those damn rAdiCal rEvoLuTiOnArY LeFtiStS in the democratic party of america lmfao over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Can almost guarantee that Donald Trump Jr has never met a member of the "radical Left" in his life. FYI these are anarchists and revolutionary socialists and they have a negligible presence in the US. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Yesterday Trump said Biden would bring "socialism" to America looooool it's just become a comedy skit at this point. Biden is centre-right 의해 the standards of other any western country. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Australian federal election is tomorrow my dudes - am so hyped for what might finally be an end to six years of rubbish governance, climate inaction and the stripping of public services. Might even get modern Internet speeds if Labor wins, isn't that the dream? 게시됨 over a year ago
Ranty-cat commented…
;-; over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
^I still haven't quite recovered :( over a year ago
2ntyoneplts said …
I 사랑 the banner! Great job! 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
So, about this whole Meuller thing... O.O 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
I'm so proud that the "millenials can't afford a house because avocado toast" meme has gone global. Australia's finest contribution to the world :') 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Overheard on the bus: [talking about American acquaintance] "I think she's actually stolen my dream but that's okay she can have it, she has Trump now" LOL 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Think of the shitstorm that is the Trump administration atm. Then remember we're only 2/3 of a 년 (out of 4 years) of the way through this bullshit. 게시됨 over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
I don't know actually. Anything can happen. I am not being optimistic here just stating realistically. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Sometimes when I see the words "President Trump" I do a double-take and think 'is this real life?' 게시됨 over a year ago
misanthrope86 said …
RIP #covfefe tweet. 당신 were one of the greats. 게시됨 over a year ago
misanthrope86 commented…
Go here linkif 당신 want to laugh bigly. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
NOOO it endured for so long over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
At least covfefe will forever be preserved in the Congressional 도서관, 라이브러리 as a presidential record for future generations :) over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
If I sell my soul and go into corporate law, will that make me a terrible leftie? 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
*secretly thinks while studying corps law how great it would be to crush all corporations under the might of one glorious central government* over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
^/s (see I can bag out far-leftists too) over a year ago
Cinders commented…
No. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
I surprised myself 의해 actually liking it. But I worry that's because it provided some great confirmation bias for "some corporations really are bastards, aren't they?" over a year ago
Cinders said …
I have never felt 더 많이 disrespected as a career educator who works directly with refugee and immigrant families on the daily than I have in the past two weeks. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
“Trump is a man who has shown himself unfit, not just for high office, but for any office; not just in his abilities as a leader, but in his qualities as a man; not just occasionally, but on every 일 of the campaign. He is not just deficient in knowledge, experience, judgment, tact, decency, integrity, leadership, policy— but utterly lacking in all. He is not just the worst candidate for president ever nominated 의해 a major party, he is very nearly the worst candidate possible” 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
- Andrew Coyne 글쓰기 for the National Post: link over a year ago
candylover246 commented…
Very true 👀👌 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
"Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in" - Greek proverb 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
ChiliPepperLuv commented…
XD over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
사랑 that Trump can say the most outrageous, offensive things about people but the moment Hillary says something mildly un-PC, like that there's a portion of Trump backers who are "xenophobic, racist 또는 Islamophobic", she gets absolutely crucified. Gotta 사랑 those double standards. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
"If she [Hillary Clinton] gets to pick her judges, nothing 당신 can do, folks..... Although the 초 amendment people – maybe there is, I don’t know".

Wow. Really. Yet another clumsy and damaging remark 의해 Trump. Inciting/suggesting/condoning violence against a political opponent.. literally a violation of the most basic rule of democratic civilisation. When will people realise his complete unsuitability to be president of the US? I sure hope it's before November. 게시됨 over a year ago
audreygrace412 commented…
I'd rather have a President who says damaging things get taken the wrong way than actually does damaging things, like violate the basic rule of democracy though voter fraud, registration fraud and voter machine hacking to choose the candidate that the people did not want. She is the only presidential candidate ever to be under an FBI investigation while running yet somehow she was still able to run? Other people were fired for doing less than her as Secretary of State, which she failed when she couldn't even figure out to keep her 이메일 secure. I sure hope in November we don't elect a criminal in Hillary for the first time as our President. She'll be even worse than 부시, 부시 대통령은 Jr was! over a year ago
DarkSarcasm commented…
I'd rather have a potato as president than a Trump. over a year ago
Cinders commented…
"The whole “criminal Hillary” thing just points out a massive flaw in the presidential system. It’s a "popularity contest” instead of the contest of party policy it should be." &^%$ YESS!!! YES! THANK YOU! over a year ago
DarkSarcasm said …
Oh look, a shiny new place to discuss how completely screwed America is:
link 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
And now, my 심장 breaks for Dallas. I don't know if it can keep breaking like this. 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
My 심장 is breaking for communities once again shattered 의해 the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. And the broken pieces continue to ache when I realize that this is going to keep happening. 다음 month, 다음 year. A White man is convicted of rape, and they 게시하기 his swim times. A Black man is murdered and they 게시하기 his mug shot. #BlackLivesMatterForGodsSake 게시됨 over a year ago
audreygrace412 commented…
I think all Americans should be able to agree that we need better police and police training as well as criminal justice reform. over a year ago
Cinders said …
당신 guys. I don't know if 당신 know this about me, but I can be kind of a dick sometimes. Thanks to those who call me on it. 게시됨 over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I think everyone can be a bit of a dick sometimes lol. over a year ago
Cinders said …
I've lectured a lot about history lately. I guess the old adage is true. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Because we seem to be repeating it all over the damn place. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
"What's wrong with nationalism" lols. over a year ago
Cinders said …
My only hope about the results of the Brexit vote is that America takes a long hard look at this fallout shitstorm and learns a lesson from it.

Who am I kidding, when the hell did we A) Pay attention to anywhere outside of US B) Pay attention to history 또는 C) Learn from anything? 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Lel. This made me laugh but really I'm crying inside. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
I'm not worried about Brexit, when has a combination of nationalism and economic depression ever turned out badly in Europe? Britain has yielded to petty xenophobes wanting to reclaim an imaginary past, who will take no responsibility for the ensuring economic havoc but instead blame immigrants. 당신 won't get trade deals: you're not an empire anymore. Currency and shares are in free fall. The science funding, roads, freedom of movement that the EU provided will go. Dark times ahead. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Basically- against the 조언 of economists, foreign affairs experts, the Bank of England, IMF, OECD, UK Treasury, every world leader with the exception of Trump- they’ve condemned themselves to becoming an insignificant little island off the coast of Europe, with a lower standard of living for future generations and far less important role in the world. Another lurch to the populist right and another victim of unthinking nationalism over logic and sound policy. over a year ago
Cinders commented…
:( :( :( :( :( :( over a year ago
Geeky_chic_girl said …
So my personality type is literally The Debater

nice 게시됨 over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 said …
Today I cast my vote in the Connecticut Republican primary (by absentee ballot) for Ted Cruz, Texas U.S. senator, consistent conservative, and friend of the Constitution, whom I have liked for years. In the 2016 cycle, Cruz was and is the only choice for serious, authentic, movement conservatives. I am not the first to say he is the Reagan of our time, and I won't be the last. 게시됨 over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 commented…
Of the two other remaining Republican candidates, John Kasich was always a non-starter for me because of his support for amnesty, his expansion of Medicaid, and his get-along moderate attitude, which values the idea of bipartisanship 더 많이 than fighting for conservative goals. Donald Trump was fine as an entertainer—I watched early seasons of "The Apprentice" myself—but, among many other things, he lacks an ideological core (conservative 또는 liberal), and is confused 또는 unknowledgeable about many issues of the day. It is my hope that Cruz will win the Republican nomination (at this point, most likely at a contested national convention); if he fails to do so, I will most likely support whoever does get the Republican nomination, though I would consider defecting to a third-party candidate if he 또는 she were viable and 더 많이 conservative than nominee Trump. over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 commented…
I will never, ever vote for a Democrat for any office (not even dog catcher if we elected them); I would rather eat a penguin. The idea of a President Hillary Clinton (or a President Comrade Bernie Sanders, the candidate of whiny Millennials and leftist socialists) scares me to death, and should scare to death any rational, moral person. Someday America will elect its first female president, but voting for a woman just because she's a woman is ridiculous. And sexist. I hope instead that America's first female president will be a conservative, elected for her values and her vision, not her sex. over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 commented…
As for partisanship dividing the country, well, I'm at the point now where I would just prefer two countries. I don't want a 초 civil war, but if there were ever a Brexit-type national referendum to peacefully 스플릿, 분할 the United States into Conservative America and Liberal America, I would vote in favor. (This will never happen, but a man can dream, can't he?) over a year ago
Cinders said …
Working on a piece comparing Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, for those of 당신 anxiously waiting at the edge of your seat. Should be published on Monday, just in time for Super Tuesday! This will be followed 의해 a piece on Ben Carson and John Kasich. 게시됨 over a year ago
DarkSarcasm commented…
link over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 said …
Have we had a discussion about the TPPA yet? I don't really want to surf through all the 투표 and I don't see anything in the Questions. What opinions do 당신 guys have about it? 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
No, I'm quite sure we haven't- but we should. It's going to have a devastating impact on my country (Australia), and many of the other countries involved. 더 많이 people should definitely be worried than the number that currently are. over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
Well, I'll make a question, then. over a year ago
madeleineg11 said …
I've created a Ted Cruz fanpage! Here's the link: link 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders commented…
Very cool. It's that time in the election cycle! over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
"Young-earth creationists make me doubt evolution, but not in the way they think". 게시됨 over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
Hmmm. What do 당신 mean? over a year ago
Cinders commented…
She means that young-earth creationists are unevolved. over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
Lol. I had no idea what she meant 의해 that. Cheers, Cinders. It's good to see 당신 back again. over a year ago
Cinders said …
Haven't been here in a while... Did 팬팝 have another layout identity crisis? 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Indeed xD over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
It seems that way. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
So students at Texas universities will be able to carry concealed 총 on all areas of campus from August 다음 year... Because in a place where emotional young adults are cooped up with thousands of other emotional young adults, plus some disgruntling professors thrown in the mix, this can NEVER go wrong... Well f*cking done, Texas. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Rejoice and be glad, Tony Abbott's no longer at the helm of making Australia an international embarrassment! :)

My only grievance is that we the people shall never get the satisfaction of voting him into electoral oblivion. Damn. 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
SCOTUS with the MOSTEST. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Do any of 당신 ever look back on your old 코멘트 and cringe? LOL I know I do... didn't realise how much one's opinion (and way of communicating them) can change until I came across some of the stuff I wrote when I was about 14 *cringe*. Please don't tell me I'm the only one experiencing fanpop-comment-regret. Lol. 게시됨 over a year ago
misanthrope86 commented…
I once read an old 코멘트 on pick that made me mad and I was about to respond to it when I realised it was one of my old comments. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Yes. I got here when I was 13 exactly. I didn't believe in capital letters nor punctuation. I also didn't believe in good spelling. over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
Simple answer is 'yes.' However, I have no regrets. The only way 당신 learn is 의해 doing things wrong and understanding that. Like, when 당신 write stupid 코멘트 and don't realise, for years sometimes, that they were inherently stupid. over a year ago
Kainana said …
did i ever tell you, im a master debater 게시됨 over a year ago
LGYCE commented…
Is that a challenge? over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
Sure you're not a master bater? over a year ago
kirbymaniac1 commented…
Sick burn. over a year ago
Cinders said …
So who's willing to talk to me about Gamergate? 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
*drops mic.* 게시됨 over a year ago
DarkSarcasm commented…
*throws tomato* over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
*audience cheers* over a year ago
Chaann94 said …
Current situation in my country... The elder people in senior homes are being neglected and the government says it's the fault of the children because they don't take good enough care of them. Meanwhile, when 당신 decide to let your grandparents/parents live with you, your rent goes up, your social services are cut in half 또는 worse and your taxes go up. What kind of a logic is that?! Typical governments.... 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
vv --- Is this really what the "Fanpop Wall" has become? Really, people, I'm gone two years and everything's different? Oh, yeah... I guess that is a bit of a long time. ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Nice to have 당신 back :) over a year ago
RubyTuesday632 said …
Hey.... People. 😶 게시됨 over a year ago
Carolinaproud26 said …
저기요 guys 팬 my page link 게시됨 over a year ago
Carolinaproud26 commented…
Help me build it and make it better over a year ago
Shazza15 said …
EVERYONE GO AND PLEASE 팬 ChrissyStyles1 !!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
Kuro_Hyou666 commented…
Ah... no. over a year ago
LGYCE said …
Holy shit. This is my new home. How on earth did I not find this place before? 게시됨 over a year ago
RubyTuesday632 commented…
Haha. over a year ago
Carolinaproud26 said …
Whether christian 또는 not we have equal rights, and we all need to accept each other, and stop hating. And judging. I 사랑 ya'll ^-^ 게시됨 over a year ago
coriann said …
About Transgenders: I know of a wonderful lady. She was in a relationship with a gay man. When she came out, her relationship died and her boyfriend called her a freak and everything. 게시됨 over a year ago
shanyuisboss commented…
What does this have to do with debate? over a year ago
shanyuisboss commented…
I mean really, that "argument" is not proving anything. over a year ago
Eazy-Efan said …
I am surprised of this answers, they have lots of interesting stuff it´s very good that they made a club like this one. 게시됨 over a year ago
really? over a year ago
JaydaJadie said …
I joined on the10/10/2013. 팬팝 IS GREAT. BETTER THAN WIKI ANSWERS. 게시됨 over a year ago
Rainshadow999 commented…
And Yahoo! 답변 is better than Wiki 답변 also! XD over a year ago
love-is-fake said …
Just joined :o) 게시됨 over a year ago
EmoSasuSaku said …
I have joined to express my opinions ~ 게시됨 over a year ago
wordy said …
Debating is a useful tactic to learn new issues profoundly. 게시됨 over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
This sounds rather pretentious and kind of cheesy, no offense. Why didn't 당신 just write something normal like everyone else, instead of trying to sound smart, 의해 using something that ended not sounding that smart? over a year ago
LaDispute commented…
^ Look at the username; I think pretentious wordiness was the point. ;P over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
I know... I had to comment, though... I think I would have been up all night thinking about it if I hadn't. over a year ago
blackpanther666 said …
Idealism, realism - Or, a mixture of both?

Do 당신 think it is better to be realistic, idealistic, 또는 have varying principles from both? 게시됨 over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
I would say both. Why? Because realistic people probably wont be living the happiest lives, but they would be able to stand through it when the real parts of life actually happens. Idealistic people see everything so ideal that they cant stand through the real parts from real life, though it tends to make their life a tad bit happier then the realistic people. So if 당신 were a mix of the both, 당신 could either get the pros 또는 the cons. If 당신 get the pros it would be great if 당신 get the cons...... Well do I need to explain? over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Well idealism gives 당신 dreams and goals and motivation, and realism gives 당신 the wisdom and knowledge to achieve them. An equal balance of both I think is 더 많이 healthy for your mental functioning and working towards succeeding real life goals. Idealism makes life 더 많이 fun and creative, but too much of it will make 당신 set too high of standards which will be too unrealistic to accomplish. But realism helps 당신 better accept a situation as it is and help 당신 become 더 많이 prepared for the future. But too much realism makes 당신 feel unable to reach out and do something different. Without Idealism we wouldn't have theories and certain branches of science, art, music. But without realism we wouldn't be able to gain and adapt to information needed for everyday life. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
It's good to have both, but I am 의해 far 더 많이 of an idealist. over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 said …
My first class teacher wants to make the whole class say the pledge. Please, I don't agree with the pledge, is that such a sin? 게시됨 over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
Just saying it because 당신 have to, doesn't mean that 당신 will believe/agree with it - however, it seems a bit pointless to me. And, no, it isn't a sin - people shouldn't be ostracised for their beliefs. over a year ago
Lt_Pupster commented…
Its not a 'sin' I dont consider anything a 'sin' seeing as how i think that stuff is all fake over a year ago
EmoSasuSaku commented…
At my school the kids just stand up and not say it at all LOL over a year ago
blackpanther666 said …
Funny how Lt deleted his rant against smokers... I suppose, you'd have to be incredibly stupid to leave up a bunch of 코멘트 that essentially state 당신 saying 당신 wouldn't mind your own grandmother dying, just because she smokes. I wonder what she would have thought, if she had seen it...? 게시됨 over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 commented…
Seriously. People should think before they act. over a year ago
misanthrope86 commented…
So 당신 aren't embarrassed that 당신 unquestioningly believed unsourced statistics that 당신 found on a radically religious website and then used those statistics to justify your prejudice? 당신 don't think, at the very least, that was a little bit silly of you? over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
I doubt he does... It seems to me that he's almost enjoying this... I'm shocked, though, to hear that it wasn't an embarassment 'lol', because if I did the same (in fact I have before and I was embarrassed), I would be very embarrassed! over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
So here comes Australia Day... And with it the inevitable racist posts. So many, but all along the same xenophobic lines: "immigrants [who they call 'boat people'] are trying to change our national day... if 당신 don't like MY country then go back to where 당신 came from, I grew here and I'm proud... aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi!". I'm sure these sorts of people are not only confined to Australia. So sad to see how a 일 that's meant to unite instead is used to divide. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Also, what they fail to realise is that it's not foreigners who have something against Australia Day- it's the Aborgines. And for good reason- it's the celebration of the 날짜 that the British landed and began the takeover of their land and the killing of their people. If the rednecks want to play the "I grew here, 당신 flew here, it's MY country" game, then it just backfired severely- it's not the "non-Australians", but the TRUE AUSTRALIANS who want to see change.But 당신 know, who cares about actual facts when there's an opportunity for migrant bashing? over a year ago
Chaann94 commented…
I completely agree with you. After all, they're wrecking their own national 일 의해 making stupid comments. Good point about the aborgines too :) over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 said …
Ever notice that on lots of 투표 here where everyone else picked one option, there's one person who picked the other one? And then they never give an explanation 또는 support their choice in comments. Then someone says "Who picked 'no'/'yes'/'whatever'?" I'm not trying to be biased with my picks on polls, I'm just saying. Call me silly, but I'm beginning to wonder if there's a user who doesn't care about the 투표 itself, they just do this for kicks. :/ What do 당신 think? 게시됨 over a year ago
bri-marie commented…
I don't think they're necessarily doing it for the kicks, and I don't necessarily think it's just one user. Maybe they don't feel comfortable getting into a 토론 with such a minority opinion. 또는 maybe they just don't feel strongly enough to comment. There are lots of times where I pick on option on a pick, but then don't say anything because I just don't feel strongly enough about the issuse to start a 토론 on it. over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
^ My words exactly. No matter how right 당신 are, you're not going to win a 토론 when there are so many people against you, so 당신 might as well not get into the debate. over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 commented…
Okay, thank you. A bit stupid on my part, I'm sorry. :P over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
That always seems to be my problem. Quite often, even when most people believe in one side, I always argue my point when I choose the other... I guess that's just me. over a year ago
Chaann94 said …
I hate to be a buzzkill but why is everyone always complaining about the shortage of money while we collect over a million of euro's every 년 on lottery tickets? Why couldn't we spend that money on the national debts instead of something as useless as a lottery ticket? 게시됨 over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
Not to mention that firework-show that was almost canceled because of the windy weather on New Year's Eve. That stuff costed 12,000,000 euros at least. over a year ago
Chaann94 said …
Without respect, no soccer...
RIP Richard Nieuwenhuizen, my 심장 goes out to your family.

Why do kids these days think 축구 is all about violence? If I were a judge I had put them on trial as adults & gave them a life sentence in jail. 게시됨 over a year ago
Sappp commented…
Even if tried as an adult, they can not get a life sentence. 15 years is the maximum for voluntary manslaughter (and I am not sure they will be charged for that) and if they are convicted for involuntary manslaughter the maximum sentence is 2 또는 4 years. over a year ago
Sappp commented…
I did not mean that there should be no punishment. What I mean is that with this people will turn to criminal law as a solution and they will demand a high sentence. They will be outraged if these kid do not get the punishment they feel they deserve.. and that will be it. Meanwhile. nothing will change on the footballfields, just like nothing is changing with children that are being bullied. I think if 당신 want to teach people respect, we should find other ways for that and not blame criminal law for not punishing 'hard enough' over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
I'm sorry Sappp. I'm gonna agree with Chaann94. No, it was not murder, it was manslaughter. But I'm not gonna judge from a judicial point, but from a personal one. Like Chaann94, I'm going to agree with what seems fair. Place yourself into the shoes of the family of this Linesman. They are practically scarred for life, while those soccerplayers come free after 4 years. That's not fair. And it's going to happen. 당신 know what I call that? The Dutch law-system that is as leaky as a basket. We should know. over a year ago
Chaann94 said …
Political logic; A lot of Dutch families make less than the minimum wage and have to live off of 음식 stamps... let's give millions of euros to Greece and to imaginary children in Morocco... 게시됨 over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury commented…
Ikr? over a year ago
funday2play said …
Wow! Over 60 million legal gun owners have never killed anyone in their whole life time. 게시됨 over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
Are 당신 talking America, 또는 somewhere else? I thought the American estimated statistic s say only 50-55 million people in America legally own guns. But I'm not sure. over a year ago
Chaann94 commented…
@funday2play Oh yeah that totally means that everyone should get a gun because what could possibly go wrong!!! (sarcasm overload) over a year ago
big smile
hetalianstella said …
I 사랑 a good debate. I'm so glad to of found this club. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
The American election is not far away...But its apparant that although the US prides itself as a 능보, 요새 of democracy, its voting system is biased against the poor. Elections will be held on a Tuesday- a normal working day. Several states have complex voter-identification rules that make early voting difficult. Generally, 1/3 of people don't participate & at present, contest appears close, but one really does wonder how the Republicans would fare if there was compulsory voting system in place... 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders commented…
당신 also need an address to vote, so... there go the homeless voters. It's a plutocracy, for sure, with voters being mostly middle and upper class. But to be fair, it's the educated middle class that tend to be 더 많이 liberal, because they've seen 더 많이 of the world outside their backyard. These are the types who volunteer in 수프 kitchens 또는 Habitat for Humanity. Right now, they are the voice of the poor. It's not ideal (because the poor should be allowed to speak for themselves) but it's better than nothing. "Bastion of democracy"? LOL That phrase just cracked me up. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Lol... still think it's, let's use the phrase, a "rip-off". I just think compulsory voting would create a fairer country with the government as a 더 많이 accurate reflection of what the people really want, thus a true democracy. However, the US, right-wing as it is, will never put such a system in place- it would be awfully inconvenient for the 더 많이 conservative parties if the less-educated, less well-off had a say in it too. I think 당신 can understand my concern, as the US election really is important to the world as a whole, and well, I just don't think the voting system for the most significant vote on earth is up to scratch... over a year ago
Cinders commented…
They may learn about the systems, the parties, etc, but issues are different in every election. Just because 당신 know political theory, doesn't necessarily mean 당신 know which candidate to vote for without watching what they do, listening to what they say, and examining the issues. Being well-informed on the issues and thus a well-informed voter is different from being a citizen educated in civics and politics. over a year ago
Cinders said …
음식 for thought:

I heard what Richard Murdoch said about a rape baby being God's gift.
When I was 17, I was raped 의해 my boyfriend. He hurt me badly. I was scared of him, and had to get social resources from a local women's shelter to break up with him.
I never told my parents.
Weeks later I started throwing up 12 and 14 times a day. 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders commented…
I got a pregnancy test for free at Planned Parenthood during the time I should have been in Econ 101. It was positive. Even though I knew that I had not chosen to have unprotected sex, my cheeks burned with shame. It was September of both my Sr. 년 of HS and my freshman 년 of college... I did both at the same time. I won a varsity level swimming meet the 일 before I had my secret abortion. Four days after that, I awoke with my parents sitting at the foot of my hospital 침대 sobbing. I had nearly died from the abortion I attempted to get at a local clinic that was cheaper than but not related to Planned Parenthood... I just want to say, that the person who raped me took a lot of choices from me. His baby was not a blessing. It was not a gift. I have experience two blessed gifts since then, my beloved, wanted, planned sons... I know the difference. over a year ago
Cinders commented…
Mr. Murdoch can sit around with his set of penis and testicles all 일 long talking about the blessings if rape babies...but I know the truth. I know the pain, shame, fear, anger, and near soul destroying guilt that comes when your rapist leaves 당신 with that last, tiny freedom... The freedom to choose whether he forces a child on you... Even when 당신 did not get to choose when he forced himself on you. Mr. Murdochs words may sound noble to some. They sound like curse to me. ~ Sarah over a year ago
tiagih commented…
i believe that God sends blessing in disguises and that sometimes 당신 may go trhough hell to get your blessing...but i don't think could ever tell someone so casuall that a raped baby is a good thing. I understand maybe what he meant but the way it came out sounds so not insensitive but just plain thoughtless to the idea of the factors that come with being raped. I know I know words aren't my forte but I think if he wanted to make a point that he should have worded it in a better way. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
John Hawkins, a blogger, said "The first step towards convincing other nations that they can trust us [the US] again would be make this a better world 의해 removing Julian Assange from it"
Ahaha how wrong he is- the worst thing the US could possibly do is to convict (or murder, as suggested) the man that exposed some ugly truths about them. Oh how the international community would 사랑 당신 then- it's like saying "Reveal we're not saintly, and we'll kill you". How very amusing. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
For those who don't know, Julian Assange was the founder of Wikileaks. over a year ago
KarbonKopy commented…
Julian Assange is anti-american and he deserves nothing less than the death penalty over a year ago
KarbonKopy commented…
Are 당신 comparing me to a terrorist?? over a year ago
kurt-wagner said …
Did 당신 support Chick-Fil-A? I did and I'm proud of it! 게시됨 over a year ago
MadManMordo commented…
I know this may be a stupid questio but, What is going on with Chick-Fil-A? I was never told about it! O___O over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
Chick-Fil-La stated anti-gay statements and band gays from their restaurants.Some Chick-Fil-A's aren't homophobic though like one in Chicago. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Another mass shooting in America... and the 총 used were bought legally. 게시됨 over a year ago
misanthrope86 commented…
I know this event has stirred up lots of vicious gun-law debate, but the guy legally bought 더 많이 than 6000 rounds of ammunition without raising an eyebrow. No matter what side of the gun-law 토론 당신 fall on, 당신 have to admit that someone should not be able to legally get their hands on that much ammunition. Surely even pro-gun parties have to admit that at the very least gun laws need to be looked at in depth. over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
But now go back and apply that same argument to gun bans. Tell someone that there's no correlation between crime rate and gun bans because if it were true, then all the countries with gun bans would have a lower homicide rate than all the countries without. Seeing as how that is not true, what does it prove? over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
The New Zealand crime rate is only low because it has a small population... Proportionately, New Zealand has a fairly high rate of crime. I would know... I live in NZ, plus I see the news every 일 where another gang member has shot a cop, 또는 some innocent person has been hurt. 당신 are right about guns, in NZ, though; we may have fairly high crime rates in general, but gun crimes are quite rare over here. The most deaths from 총 in NZ are, funnily enough, from hunting accidents. over a year ago
big smile
ImAnEasel said …
Oh WOW!! I never knew there was a spot for debate! My life is complete. :) Whoever created this spot is a genius. 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders said …
My limited African internet means I have to be selective in what content I respond to, and curt in my responses. As a result, the foremerly patient, tolerant, verbose me has flown away and I have exploded with several succinct, gut reactions to certain content 게시됨 here. If I offend with such outbursts, I apologize... but I don't apologize for the sentiment 또는 the ideas I stated. I'm just sorry 당신 were offended. 게시됨 over a year ago
ducky8abug4u commented…
My dear, 당신 could never offend. 당신 are, without a doubt, 더 많이 than welcome to share your passionate, verbose and enthusiastic world-knowledge with as many debators as 당신 like. I certainly appreciate the immense effort and I'm confident others will share that sentiment. So please, give us 더 많이 of your "outbursts" and show us what a true 토론 is all about. over a year ago
Cinders said …
Dunno how relevant this is - and I can't add 사진 even if it was, but this amused me: Mitt Romney is Schrodinger's Candidate: link 게시됨 over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 said …
For anyone interested, there is a Mitt Romney club here on 팬팝 (link). Only six members so far compared to Barack Obama's 2,659, but it's a start. 게시됨 over a year ago
Cinders commented…
Cool! Mit Romney deserves his own spot. over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 said …
In their respective graves, our Founding Fathers are rolling over and FDR is cheering. Thursday's Obamacare ruling is truly troubling, with the Supreme Court giving its thumbs up to the advance of progressivism and government involvement in 더 많이 and 더 많이 aspects of our lives.

I hope and pray for Obama's defeat in November so that we may be able to begin to undo his damages, including Obamacare. I'd personally like to see him go down in a landslide. 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Yes, because of course extending health services to 더 많이 people is a bad thing... God forbid that the less fortunate can have a doctor too!! over a year ago
Cinders commented…
OK, so why specifically is Obama's health care plan bad? I'm just curious. I hear a lot of complaints in general, but nothing specifically about why it'll hurt this country. Can 당신 explain it for me? over a year ago
Sappp commented…
But isn't it so that 당신 cannot wait to buy insurance untill 당신 are diagnosed with something, because 당신 are required to have an insurance? over a year ago
Cinders said …
Coming at 당신 from the Rural Highlands of Ethiopia, Cinders is back, y'all. When did we get thumbs up? I haven't been gone THAT long, surely. 게시됨 over a year ago
alismouha commented…
Yay. I hope your internetz remains reliable enough for 당신 to spread your awesome sauce around. over a year ago
alismouha commented…
The thumbs aren't very recent. About 12 days old. over a year ago
huqasif said …
How are 당신 all? I hope not so good.No no no,here has no debating issue.He is a free minder. 게시됨 over a year ago
huqasif commented…
Plz plz plz add 코멘트 to my post.It is too late.plz over a year ago
blackpanther666 said …
'Love the sinner, hate the sin...'

This statement seems a little pretentious, if 당신 ask me... Everybody has their opinion on what constitutes as a sin and the law decides if it is 또는 not... I suppose it has always been like that. Still, quotes/statements like this always raise plenty of questions. 게시됨 over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
I like that statement. Obviously what one considers to be right 또는 wrong is generally subjective. I'd rather hate what a person did over hating the person because they did it. I'm not into grudges. over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
Heh, I agree with you... I still think it is kind of pretentious though, correct as it is. I just 사랑 the 질문 one can develop from such phrases like thus. over a year ago
misanthrope86 commented…
^ This is exactly what I have been trying to explain to people for years. Recently had a HUGE 토론 about it in the 기독교 spot, but there was a total refusal to even see this perspective as a possibility. over a year ago
livetobefree said …
Anyone know how to get to 업데이트 for a club? The new 팬팝 is confusing me :| 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
And how on earth do 당신 검색 a club?? over a year ago
alismouha commented…
Sappp commented…
I figured it maybe wasn't, but at least they put it back now ^_^ over a year ago
pandawinx said …
Rule of society no.86#:
If something goes wrong, anything at all, regardless of weather it had anything to do with them, pin all the blame on any 또는 all of these social groups/minorities:
- Gypsies.
Nothing like irrational prejudice to lower the IQ a couple dozen points. :P 게시됨 over a year ago
pandawinx commented…
cut off your *legs* :P over a year ago
misanthrope86 commented…
"I'M GONNA CUT OFF YOUR SPERM AND DISAPPEAR DOWN A HOLE!" will be my catchphrase should I ever become a superhero. Don't worry: I'll credit you. over a year ago
coriann commented…
miss86 당신 made me crap my pants with that one! lmao! over a year ago
fonono said …
ThePrincesTale commented…
Ermmm... maybe you're looking for this? link over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Because this is a 토론 spot... not a proselytising spot. Thank 당신 for your thoughtful consideration, but we don't need our souls saved, thanks. over a year ago
coriann commented…
uh...jesus...postols....know him presense grace...lol, thanks for your contribution to the "debate" club ^ ^ over a year ago
fonono said …
blackpanther666 commented…
-Er- Stop 'raping' the caps lock, perhaps? over a year ago
Ready4TheSet said …
PLEASE RESPOND TO MY FORUM!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
fansfunsz commented…
ah over a year ago
coriann commented…
O.O okay, only if 당신 send me the link darking :) over a year ago
coriann commented…
*darling* over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
All the "Global warming doesn't matter, because 예수님 is going to come prancing in on his pure white 조랑말 one 일 soon"is the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard... and that's saying something. 게시됨 over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
If 의해 ridiculous 당신 mean RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME! Hahaha, seriously, that made me laugh. I remember a few years 이전 when the Rapture was supposed to happen. My Grandma and I were going to sit on the front lawn and watch our God-fearing neighbors zoom up to Heaven. Alas, we were denied that glorious sight. over a year ago
Ready4TheSet commented…
WOW. over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
That's a pretty hilarious idea... Christ coming along on a white pony...? Why does it have to be white? Lol. (Please say: I see what 당신 did there. XD) over a year ago
Ready4TheSet said …
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
Not anymore. Not since they changed their french fry recipe. Now they have fries and sesme seeds against them. over a year ago
shyhigh commented…
Burger king has 로스트 all awesomeness when the discontinued chicen fries over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
I like BK more, but normally I'd just prefer to cook my own 'home-made' 음식 - healthier and nicer. XD over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
"Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet." 게시됨 over a year ago
Sappp commented…
사랑 this! over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Haha yeah but i have no idea who actually said it, so I can't credit it... over a year ago
coriann commented…
:) sometimes when people r introduced to change, they may get angry 또는 even scared, hostility is no way to impact on these people :) over a year ago
pandawinx said …
당신 know what I'll like to see someday?
A overweight 또는 curvy miss.America.
I'm tired of looking at stick insects all the time.
Not that i have anything against skinny people, i'm about as stick insect as 당신 get, it's just--- i dunno, it seems like all the girls on there are one size. I'll like a little diversity. 게시됨 over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
Laura Kaeppeler, 2012 over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
She's not overweight, but she's far from being stickly. over a year ago
coriann commented…
^ ^ yes i think so too! and it makes women loose their self esteem O_O why can't we apreciate all our beautiful women here people! XP over a year ago
Cinders said …
It bugs me tremendously when people refuse to believe facts simply because they find it to be implausible. Facts don't change just because 당신 choose not to believe in them. A mountain will always be a mountain, no matter how much 당신 try and tell yourself it's a molehill. 게시됨 over a year ago
weresmyanime commented…
true dat bro their will allways be that one person whos like NOOO over a year ago
tiagih commented…
I wish I could 토론 like 당신 over a year ago
coriann commented…
LOL taigih, Cinders, no one can say that a woman "will" become a certain way, they can only make accurate "assumptions but no one is a phsycic, just like a weather reporter can't give an "exact" diagnosis of weather, f some women choose to live a healthy lifestile? and are free from stress and frustration, obviously there cances will lowere, Cinders it is my personal belief that "fact" is very small and is greatly outnumbered 의해 various opinions, after all what is fact? certainly there are not many ^ ^ over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Warren Buffett: ''The rich are always going to say that, 당신 know, just give us 더 많이 money and we'll go out and spend 더 많이 and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on.''

게시됨 over a year ago
pandawinx said …
Happy (late) international women's day! :) 게시됨 over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
And to 당신 too :D over a year ago
pandawinx commented…
:D over a year ago
DarkCEpitome commented…
Thanks :) Happy International Women's 일 to you, too!!!^-^ over a year ago
pandawinx commented…
Hooray! over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Breivik likely to go to mental care? Seriously, just put him in jail and let him rot there... 게시됨 over a year ago
Sappp commented…
They probably just do that because they can keep him indefinitely in psychiatirc care, while life-long sentences are rarely life-long in Norway. over a year ago