토론 Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Should the USA 옮기기 더 많이 towards bilingual education, English only education, 또는 remain as it is? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 think manslaughter should be charged with the same punishment as murder? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Two people that just met are about to hook up for a one night stand. Which partner has the bigger responsibility when it comes to providing a condom? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: We all have a combination of three things to decide our opinions: logic, personal experience and moral/emotional reasons. but if 당신 could only rely on one: 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Is suicide (NOT including euthanasia!) ever justified? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Your sixteen 년 old child has just revealed to 당신 he/she's gay and he/she's been in a relationship for 2 months. You: 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Should the victim always be the one who determines whether he 또는 she has been raped? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Does it annoy 당신 when people who don't live in your country have strong opinions on it? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Is the "Men Going Their Own Way" (MGTOW) movement valid? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 think that men's mental health isn't taken seriously enough? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Should gender based insults (such as c*nt) be considered slurs that need to be censored like racial ones are? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 find Gen Z annoying at all? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Do 당신 think streaming services will lose popularity like cable has? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Leggings 또는 Jeans? 1 month ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Are single-sex schools better for student learning and wellbeing? 1 month ago by Etincelle
a reply was made to the forum post: Is atheism a religion? 1 month ago by Etincelle
a poll 추가되었습니다: Do 당신 find Gen Z annoying at all? 1 month ago by Etincelle
a poll 추가되었습니다: Should gender based insults (such as c*nt) be considered slurs that need to be censored like racial ones are? 1 month ago by Etincelle
a poll 추가되었습니다: Is the "Men Going Their Own Way" (MGTOW) movement valid? 1 month ago by Etincelle
a poll 추가되었습니다: Is it hypocritical when people who hate vegans don't like that other countries eat dogs/cats/etc? 1 month ago by Etincelle
a poll 추가되었습니다: Does it annoy 당신 when people who don't live in your country have strong opinions on it? 1 month ago by Etincelle
a poll 추가되었습니다: Would 당신 as a woman keep your surname if 당신 got married to a man? 1 month ago by Etincelle
an answer was added to this question: Is it weird that I have a Brother/sister relations kink? 1 month ago by Etincelle
a video 추가되었습니다: Predicting AI Over The 다음 10 Years For Filmmakers - Russell Palmer 1 month ago by filmcourage
a comment was made to the poll: Trade unions have too much power in the workplace. 1 month ago by Etincelle
a video 추가되었습니다: Fame Doesn't Make 당신 Rich... 또는 Happy - Viki King 3 months ago by filmcourage
a video 추가되었습니다: Society Is Broken... Here's How Writers Can Fix It - Corey Mandell 6 months ago by filmcourage
a video 추가되었습니다: 3 Biggest Concerns With AI - Jon Reiss 6 months ago by filmcourage
a poll 추가되었습니다: Do 당신 think streaming services will lose popularity like cable has? 9 months ago by NightFrog
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: what is the one nation who had never been in war? 9 months ago by ExplodingStars
a poll 추가되었습니다: Leggings 또는 Jeans? 10 months ago by ShadowFan100
a video 추가되었습니다: 5 Reasons Why A Producer Will Reject A Screenplay - Ramfis Myrthil over a year ago by filmcourage
an answer was added to this question: Why is "Nigger" a bad word? over a year ago by kebrt
a link 추가되었습니다: At High School Debates, 토론 Is No Longer Allowed over a year ago by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the photo: Aborted fetus over a year ago by Lars_Vorster
a comment was made to the link: Absolutely DO NOT Read The Disgusting, Totally False Story About Biden's Son That's Linked In This over a year ago by Lars_Vorster
an answer was added to this question: DO you think its allright for a broher and sister to have sexual relations( or jut kissing for exprimenting) or tohaefeelings for each other?? over a year ago by Danono
a video 추가되었습니다: Joe Biden (Animated) over a year ago by biscuitbutt
a reply was made to the forum post: Dr. House (Hugh Laurie) Tackles the Abortion 토론 over a year ago by 501Venus
a comment was made to the photo: Can we go to war please? over a year ago by I_love_pokemon
a comment was made to the poll: How do 당신 feel about doctors trying to combat childhood obesity with weight loss surgery and drugs? over a year ago by zanhar1
a poll 추가되었습니다: How do 당신 feel about doctors trying to combat childhood obesity with weight loss surgery and drugs? over a year ago by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll: Businesses going cashless: over a year ago by zanhar1
a video 추가되었습니다: Artists Will Never Reach Their Full Potential While Working A 일 Job - Courtney Miller over a year ago by filmcourage
a comment was made to the poll: Should gender segregation be encouraged 또는 discouraged when it comes to public bathrooms? over a year ago by CountryOutlaw88
a video 추가되었습니다: Don't Quit Your 일 Job - Jason Park over a year ago by filmcourage
a comment was made to the article: Understanding the Difference Between 이슬람 and Radical 이슬람 over a year ago by RougeTheBat844
a comment was made to the photo: Bad Words over a year ago by RougeTheBat844
a comment was made to the photo: No H8 LGBT Campaign over a year ago by RougeTheBat844
a comment was made to the photo: KKK and God over a year ago by RougeTheBat844