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Is it weird that I have a Brother/sister relations kink?
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Fantasy/fiction 책 with political themes?
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What do 당신 think about these theories and the related stuff?
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will it be immoral for grown siblings can I have sexual relations as grown-ups if they are both single they're both lonely and I had previously have sexual relations when they were growing up check into consenting adults weather can 또는 not we're not
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For patients
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For inmates/prisoners
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Got any 음악 with a political message?
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On single parents AND abusive parents in the 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 media
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About parenting styles....
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About alcoholism/drinking problems....
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About victimhood....
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About murder....
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Do insects feel pain?
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If juveniles themselves are also responsible for committing serious sex offenses against other minors, what will it be called? Pedophilia? 또는 something else? Share your thoughts too
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Victims of crime should be allowed to choose a punishment for a person who offended against them
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Is murder objectively wrong? If so, why?
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Here is something to discuss. What do 당신 think?
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What topic do 당신 feel strongly about?
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Arguments against banning political donations from corporations?!!!
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I have a few 더 많이 질문 on/about female violence
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I have a few 질문 regarding the subject/topic/issue of female violence
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should alcohol be illegal
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What should be the minimum marriageable age?
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What are your thoughts on the TPPA?
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the current school cerriculum is far removed from the real world
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Could Trump actually win the presidency?
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Does social media create vanity on an individual? In what Way?.
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What is the long standing 토론 on the value of empirically based knowledge versus applied knowledge
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What color is the dress?
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What's an idea that needs retiring?
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If our society would be dominate 의해 female what change we would face and would it be good 또는 not
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I noticed some individuals say that there is no such thing as good and evil. Why exactly do they say that?
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Are vaccines working? Are they preventing the spread of infections?
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So are double standards basically just a form of hypocrisy?
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Who do 당신 think can identify as a woman?
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So what do 당신 mean when 당신 use the term "SJW"?
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Do 당신 believe it's acceptable to shame 또는 belittle non-feminist women who choose not to support feminism (for whatever their personal reasons are)? Please explain your answer.
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Where do 당신 draw the line between respecting gender / sexuality identities and saying they're ridiculous?
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So what IS GamerGate anyway?
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Why are unborn 아기 not considered equal?
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How to respond to gish gallop?
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Can someone explain nihilism 더 많이 clearly?
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Meat is murder?
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our ideas are the weapons for success.
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who is the most responsible peron against parents and family ?
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Penis Envy 의해 Sigmund Freud
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What is the line between killing in self-defence and murder ?
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this house believes that poverty and dependancy are legacies of colonialism
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my 질문 is do 당신 agree with me that Transgender is just another letter in LGBT and that a large amount of people who claim to be LGBT friendly descriminate against them weather intentionally 또는 의해 practice?
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(1)Should bestiality be illegal? (2)What is the difference between bestiality/Zoophilia and homosexuality?
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Should rich people spend ?
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Why do people hate God and Christians?
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What do 당신 think is the single greatest concern facing humanity?
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What would 당신 define as being 'human' ?
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Remorse and self-defence.
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How can reason be used to justify religious beliefs?
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Should Dodge Ball Be Banned From Schools?
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Should Religions Stop?
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Should Abortion Be Illegal?
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Is freedom best?
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How many kilometres can a H3 tornado move?
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A 질문 on Morals
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Could 당신 refute this arguement, please?
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Is human experimentation wrong ?
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Bored teenagers
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Global overpopulation. Problem ?
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Why is the decision of majority better than the decision of minority?
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is it OK to video your intimate act with your partner?
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What kind of argument would 당신 give for, 또는 against, evolution?
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Where are the Animal Cruelty accusations?
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Existence of Parallel Universes
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Okay, it's a personal serious question. What's your opinion on mental 사진 and zoxpro.com?
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How do 당신 feel about Section 3 of DOMA being invalidated?
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How do criminals get illegal guns?
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What do 당신 think?
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Terrorize and 당신 win - can anyone suggest me a good 토론 in favour of this agenda?
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Do 당신 believe that men can be feminists?
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What's your opinion on "rape" ?
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Why do 당신 think it is that a lot of people honestly don't care about the environment?
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Do 당신 think the Universe is still expanding outwards?
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Tell me your thoughts on how ecology and the environment are co-related?
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What if the Universe always existed...?
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토론 TIME!Do 당신 think it should be against the law for women to be topless in public?
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토론 TIME!Is Science Compatible with Religion?
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Who is your 가장 좋아하는 debater in this spot?
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I want to ask everyone should I stop my rant? Are 당신 willing to 토론 with me after I finish my speech? 또는 Should I resume?
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Scientifically minded people usually take their beliefs about sub-atomic particles to be better justified than a religious person's belief about god. Given that scientists cannot actually see sub-atomic particles, is this view correct?
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토론 time! Is homosexuality moral 또는 immoral? Why? Explain
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How can the human race survive the 다음 hundred years?
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What is your age?
14 팬 이 질문에 답변했습니다
What do 당신 think of James Lovelock's Gaia Theory?
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Sarfati Vs. Dawkins... Who has a better point?
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What do 당신 think of people who have said that they've seen the afterlife when they died?
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How come people who complain about not paying enough taxes never seem to pay them at all?
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What do 당신 think is the bigger influence?
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Do 당신 think sexual sins are actually sins?
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Do 당신 think suicide is okay?
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