No! Just becuz my name is nigahigarocks98 doesn't mean dat I'm the biggest 팬 of nigahiga! It means da same 4 u! Sum1 may have kupkaykz r wteva...kupkaykz is a cool name yay =)
posted over a year ago
But even then, "kupkaykz" doesn't mean that the person who has it is the biggest 팬 of cupcakes.
I 사랑 컵케익 I 사랑 the taste but the way they look some are just so cute I seen all kinds. The 치즈 버거 mini 컵 케이크, 컵 케익, 컵 케 익 is the cutest. They also make great deco. I 사랑 anything with 컵케익 on it
No, because it's an easy nickname. I am obsessed with cupcakes, and my other online 프렌즈 call me Cupcake. All my usernames for every single account have the word 컵 케이크, 컵 케익, 컵 케 익 in them. That's how I remember things. However, people can call other 컵 케이크, 컵 케익, 컵 케 익 as a pet name, 또는 even an insult. Just because your name has something in it doesn't mean 당신 are the biggest 팬 of that thing.